No one enjoys a good book more than I. Most of my journey in this world can be measured by reading. Comic books were my starting point several decades ago. Those first grade readers had nothing on me after a few years of reading the exploits of super heroes in the comics. School libraries were a second home as I checked out book after book of one kind or the other. My room growing up held more than a few titles selected from the old Weekly Reader papers. Now my office library holds selections from varied disciplines relating to my work. Then there are the personal novels or biographies that are beginning to overflow. What would happen if I could no longer read? Perish the thought.
Books are often referred to as old fashioned in our world of technology. It is true that some of my time today was spent searching online for articles on a certain topic. So many things are available to us through our computer that once seemed out of reach. One website recently found its way to my list of study helps. One can research a scripture passage with solid helps once limited to pages in a volume. This doesn't begin to count the multitude of blogs or other news websites I refer to on a regular basis. We no longer have to wait for a book to go to print. There are so many avenues for us to be stirred in our thinking or learning. But all of this may not be good news always.
Blogs also reflect the crises or conflicts that occur daily. This is not limited to the political spectrum but includes matters of faith. I have a few for checking everyday for updates or new information. Our dirty laundry used to remain hidden away in dark corners of our congregations. Now we air such in public for all to see. Anyone can click on their mouse to write opinions whether valid or not. Painful is the word that comes to mind when I read of such moments. For any one viewpoint there are unlimited counter opinions added to the mix. And yet I still continue to review these places even when challenged in my thinking. It's seldom pretty but it does matter.
What lessons are learned when slogging through the endless dialogues on faith and life? One thing seems certain and that's we are in a mess. All of our advancement in technology only opens the door for ugliness and strife. People are labeled by who they follow or support in doctrine or practice. Jesus' words from John 17 now appear foreign and much too idealistic. People are led if not driven to a corner so they can fight the enemy. We also lose a sense of relationship way too often. If you do not agree with a writer then you can be discounted for your view. All of this technological ability sure seems to appeal to our worst nature. Even when a writer exposes horrific wrong among churches or organizations you find defenders simply because it's our guy or movement. People cannot simply say they are wrong with any degree of humility. We need to know the truth so we can have the darkness lifted from our life.
My little blog is just that. I suppose we could go deeper or point out more error among us but we have enough of that already. This is where I will stand.
Bro. Trey
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