
Monday, June 02, 2014

There is time this evening to put up a blog post.  Mowing was the main thing on my list of things to do today and it's done.  Graduation still looms in the distance on Friday night but so far it's going good. 

We talked a little last night about our community service.  One of the issues was what happens when charismatics act...like charismatics.  It just seems fair to spend a bit more time on that topic.  Just be very clear at the outset that I harbor no ill will towards those who practice various elements of that persuasion.  Time is too important to rail against how others do or do not put faith into life.  But it may be only fair to add a few thoughts of my perspective on all of this.  Obviously this could take more than a short post to cover.  Perhaps you can capture some idea of where I personally come from.

You can imagine that it would be hard on me to be in that line of theology with my personality.  Most of my response to spiritual moments is inward as is my normal character.  You probably will not ever find me noisy and vocal during any move of the Spirit.  I do not and will not judge another for how they express their faith.  I simply do not equate being loud for being spiritual.  I witnessed before how some groups really turn up the pressure on some to behave in one way or the other in their faith.  God works through all believers while usually being in line with that personality.  Now this does not mean silence is golden when it comes to vocalizing your faith.  Scripture speaks of all manner of emotion or expression when in worship or prayer.  I just think we can guard against any elitism or pride about how we do what we do in comparison to another person.

My theology says we are filled with the Spirit upon our conversion or salvation moment with God in Christ.  It also believes that the initial experience of speaking in tongues had far more to do with evangelism than personal devotion.  Acts 2 is a miracle of God using ordinary people to proclaim and extraordinary message.  People gathered in the streets would hear the gospel in their language as the Spirit moved.  Believers should remember that anything God does in or through us is for that purpose.  God works to save those who do not know Him first and foremost.  Even if you do possess a special prayer language you should recall the test of maturity is character along with reaching out to others.  Does this mean my charismatic friends are wrong?  To me it is much more about all of us who follow Jesus being aware of any gift given to extend the Kingdom. 

We do not need to make any of this a point of contention.  There are far more popular ministers than I that criticize anyone who contains even of whiff of charismatic ideas.  Do not look for me to join that chorus.  Part of being in the Kingdom means there is no single way to back God into a corner.  Just be sure to look more toward Him than focus on gifts or approaches to worship.  We know from scripture that the Spirit is here to make Jesus known through our life.  How are we doing at that regardless of the label we wear?

Bro. Trey