
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It did feel very odd not preaching Sunday morning. I went back to look and I haven't missed a Sunday in over 2 years. Many thanks to Mark for filling in for me. I am sure it was a good experience for everyone. The trip to Fort Worth was good for the family. Emily and I caught the ballgame Sunday night. We got some time to visit with family. It all went well until Monday when I discovered the presence of the stomach bug in MY tummy! I will spare you the gory details but I am sure glad those things only last about 24 hours.

The summer is shaping up to be a good one here. There is no slowing down of the schedule for a few weeks. There is VBS, Camp, Mission Trip and other fun stuff already marked on the calendar. I am old enough to know many use this time for vacations. Please join us when you can during this time off from school. God doesn't take time off. Use every day to its fullest to replenish your spiritual as well as your physical life.

Summer is always a time for me to pray about a special summer series of studies. The last two summers we looked at Galatians and I John. As of this blogging, the divine direction seems to be leading to Revelation! With all that is going on in our world, it seems as if this may be the best place to find answers for these tumultuous times. Do not expect the usual approach with charts or mathematical formulas if this is indeed the path we take. We need more than sensational speculation. We need real hope for today. This is what Revelation is more than anything else. This book tells us that our God is not out of control no matter the news from Iraq or the price of oil/gas. Invite friends to share in this journey. I look forward to seeing you Sunday. I truly missed being here.
Bro. Trey