
Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer is drawing to a close around here. Now the heat will remain for another six weeks or so but the school calendar is saying summer is about over. The kids here are already busy with sports, band and other activities. The stores indicate that school starts very soon. Families already line the aisles in the store to gather up the supplies for a new year. In less than two weeks the buses will begin the early morning runs to collect kids before the opening bell. My two are showing signs of their readiness to return to the routine. I'm not sure anyone can blame them for that.

My reaction to the renewal of another school year is always mixed. On one hand it is a break for me when they start over. My summer consists of constant parenthood mixed with the occasional mowing of the yard. Now my oldest has her independence to a degree so she can come and go fairly free. My youngest may not need constant attention but there is the consistent need to be aware of his whereabouts. It is my task in the summer months to try to entertain him. Sure seems that these times are expensive in doing that. The furthest trip we made this summer is to shop for a new something for him.

The other half of the equation is my missing them being around usually. I do like the sounds of my teenagers being home. The house is oddly quiet during the school hours. There is no noise from my son's games. There is no phone ringing for my daughter. Perhaps this is why they get visits from Dad during lunch on occasion. They may be eager to get back to school but I'm not sure that I am ever prepared.

We will close summer with a weekend trip west for baseball games. Both my children are baseball fans. My autistic youngest does love going to Arlington to the ballpark. We don't even have to chase him around much. He wants to go right to his seat to absorb the atmosphere at the game. He will sit right there for the duration while watching the game. My daughter is my baseball buddy. She may be the only girl in her school who knows more statistics than anyone else. We will dissect every game down to the last out. We will discuss every move made by our team. Who would imagine that a 17 year old girl would be so passionate about a sport?

The start of school means catching a game on television whenever we can. It means talking about all the possibilities of the playoffs into the World Series. Baseball is the one sport where the story is as important as the action. We can watch it on hot, lazy summer nights when nothing else captures our attention. You can see the youngest of rookies begin a career that holds no boundaries. You can watch the old legends give their best for what may be the last time. It is a game where you can discuss for hours who was better at any given position. You can find statistics to back up almost any argument that you make. It is the one game that I would want to play if given that chance.

So we will keep daily watch over the scores and standings until the season ends at the start of October. My truck radio will search for broadcasts so I can take in the last sounds of the season. We will go this weekend to cheer on our team who has a shot at the playoffs. There are hot dogs to be eaten. There will be popcorn to be scattered under our seats. We will listen eagerly for the roar of the crowd with a home run or great defensive play. Perhaps we will see a youngster at the initial stage of a terrific career. The odds are good there will be a veteran or two in the winding down of his playing days. Then it will be almost time for the bus to stop at the house. At least summer can end where it should. It will conclude in a baseball park with people you love surrounding you.

Bro. Trey