During treatment yesterday I decided to watch television. This is Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. Most if not all of their programming is devoted to sharks. This may be their best rated week of shows during the year. Some of the shows study sharks. Some of the shows tell stories of people who are attacked by sharks. Some of the shows highlight other aspects in the life of a shark. Think of it as television with a bite. I decided to watch one of their programs while being filled with my toxic chemicals. It was just a tad strange. I can see where studying such creatures can be fascinating but don't look for it to end up on my bucket list.
This particular program dealt with a guy who was learning how to put sharks to sleep. I have no idea why he got interested in this but he did. Did you even know there is a way to put sharks to sleep? Do you even want to get close enough to a shark to try it out? It seems you can rub the nose of a shark in such a way they fall asleep. There is technical term for it but my mind is blank. He even went to other experts to learn how this is done. Some of his education took place with small sharks. I watched as he grabbed the nose then saw the animal drift off to sleep. That wasn't so bad until he graduated to larger ones. Eventually he worked his way to trying it with really large sharks. Yes, this man was swimming with great white sharks without any protection. He would try to get close enough to experiment with this skill. One very large shark actually took him for a ride as he hung onto to the top fin. Not sure the question is whether or not he succeeded but does he live to tell about it! He did live but that is more excitement than my heart really needs.
We may not jump into shark filled waters but we are capable of doing some really dumb things in our life. Sometimes we just call it sin. Other times it is just something dumb and dangerous. There is a tendency in human nature to think we are invincible. Maybe we think no one will notice when we do something wrong. King David believed he could get away with a really dumb thing with Bathsheba. He was wrong. Simon Peter thought Jesus had to be mistaken about the whole rooster crowing thing. He was wrong. Odds are good that we will fall into the same traps even if they are not on the same scale. None of this is to say we should avoid risks as we journey along. It is to say we might want to be sure the risk is worth taking. Let's aim to taking the good risks rather than the bad. I see no reason to be eaten by a shark just because he doesn't want to take a nap. Spend more time with the risk of faith. Avoid the areas of life where danger lives.
Bro. Trey
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