
Thursday, July 29, 2010

There was a party this afternoon at my house. It was time to buzz cut the hair. One good thing about this is there should be no big reason to write anymore about it here. There is no hair to talk about anymore. It was just falling off in the shower. It got all in my face while towel drying my hair. Today was the last straw. I cleaned out the shower of the mess. I looked in the mirror at the serious balding taking place on the top of my head. We have some shears we use on my youngest in an emergency. I pulled them out then announced it was time. Enough is enough! So we gathered in the bathroom to celebrate my liberation from hair loss.

My youngest did not know exactly what to think. He really was not happy with the proceedings. He kept saying no as only he can. So I took his hand to tell him that it should be back to normal by Christmas. This piece of news calmed his anxiety. Know that it's been well over forty five years since my hair was buzzed. In high school my locks grew past the ear nearly to the shoulder. Hair flew everywhere while the party went on. Someone asked me if it hurt? My response was that it is a hair cut and not brain surgery. When all was said and done there was still a lot of hair on me or the floor. I finished with my beard trimmer to work around the ears plus get it evened out. The best way to describe the outcome is that I look like a Marine recruit. I kinda like it.

The head is not shaved. Yet. That may come in the weeks to follow. Right now it is a really nice summer cut. Today was mowing day so we tried out the new style while riding the tractor. Feels pretty good to get a bit sweaty without having a huge need to shampoo following. Who knows? This may become my style even after the treatments stop. One big question is what will come back there if anything after chemo? More than a few people get a new hair color. Some go from straight hair to curly. Yes, life is an adventure. Maybe it's the hairy details that drag us down.

Now we can talk about other stuff here on the blog. Hair today, gone tomorrow. Buzzing my hair bothers me not at all. It was fun to have everyone hanging around to watch it disappear. Part of me wonders if that isn't true for much more than haircuts. Do not get me wrong. We face trials that absolutely kick us in the gut. Yet I still wonder how much it must aggravate our adversary when we celebrate even in arduous times. David would write many of his Psalms while in big trouble. Most, if not all times he will still find a reason to praise God. Even when life falls apart around us we can still find a reason to get God involved in the situation. That allows us to laugh even when others wonder why we do not cry. My hope would be for you to discover the greatness of God even in the worst times of our life. Laugh at the enemy just to show how little you are scared. Let him hear you laugh because your relationship with God is so much bigger than anything the enemy throws at us.

Bro. Trey