
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The summer doldrums are surely upon us. Some refer to this period of time as the dog days of summer. It is a reference to that long period of time between July 4 and Labor Day. Weather becomes the main topic of conversation about now. Temperatures range from hot to really hot. Rain seems like a foreign invader. School has not started yet but parents and kids both are counting down the days. Everything seems to be in a holding pattern. You know that fall cannot be that far away but it does approach at a snails pace. Summer stopped being as much fun as it seemed back in June. Not everyone feels this in the same way. Some can keep moving with a spring in their step. Those steps may be hot but they do keep moving.

Time seems to mean different things to different people. We say it flies when we are having fun. We talk about it dragging when fun is not in the equation. On some occasions we are not even aware of the time passing. We are nudged in the daily pattern of living to recognize time marches on with or without us. Every person receives the same amount of time in any given day. There are no options to that figure. What we do and why serves as the determining factor for the value of life.

I am halfway through this process of treatment for my disease. My first reaction was one of being happy about that. I survived three rounds of toxic chemicals being poured into my system. There was some familiarity with the process going on within me. But now it is less of a moment to celebrate than feeling the reality of this time. It feels like the marathon runner who reaches the mid point of a race and hits the wall. Your mind and body seem to be gearing up for rebellion together. I suppose this is my spot in my journey. The hair is gone for another few months. Lab visits still come along like clockwork every week. My last round of chemo seems like it is years away. This really is not meant in anyway to be the words of a whiner. That is a temptation that my hearts wants to reject. But neither can you just be in denial about what is happening. Right now I feel more like a cancer patient than a human being. I miss being human.

Never do I wish to become comfortable with all that being sick brings. My greatest desire is to win this battle in such a way that it never wants to come back. It is not my intention to become comfortable with being a victim. We should learn how God adjusts to where we are in life. He is not just God of the best or the worst we face. He is God of all the times. The grace needed during the early days of diagnosis gives way to new grace for the halfway point. Just as we move on in day to day living so does His mercy. Our goal is to stay current with Him. We need not fear if God can handle our life. We can be assured of that very promise. We do not have to be comfortable with the doldrums. God can move in our heart to keep us growing with each passing day. Scripture reminds us that "His mercies are new each morning." Hold to those mercies so the wind will be put back into your sails. It may not change your circumstances but it will surely change you.

Bro. Trey