
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Occasionally, someone will suggest that perhaps I might write a book. This does not happen often but believe it or not it does take place. They are nice words to hear but being an author does not seem realistic to me. If my book was about my work then there are past events that would sound too bizarre to be true. Should I write a novel it would be pretty short due to my short attention span. I doubt the religious world needs me to contribute any research for an academic book. There are plenty of other very good writers for us to read. Besides, my name is already attached to a book that came out a few years ago. I was involved with the writer about various church related stuff. It was my honor to spend a few days with him along with other church people for a seminar on the coast of Texas. I picked up one of his new works only to discover that my name was listed as a contributor. Don't get too excited about that. Odds are my part was either in a conversation or email exchange along the way. It was still a pleasant surprise.

The topic of the book deals with leaders knowing how to refuel their life as they go about doing their job. His major point is that the leader has to be in a healthy place in every area of life in order to do healthy ministry. I agree with him both then and now. You would be a little amazed to know that not all of those involved in that discussion felt the same. There were and are those who believe that you should burn out rather than recharge. Maybe some of these live with a martyr complex. My view is that if those engaged in leadership do not know how to be renewed then they lose serious effectiveness in ministry. Now I do know that some have a higher tolerance for stress than others. Nothing is wrong with a dynamic type leader/minister who can handle multiple issues. But, there is also nothing especially spiritual in being weary. There is a better way.

Far too much of my time the last few months is being spent trying to refuel. I went from thinking that my body was healthy to making plans for chemo in only a few weeks. Since that time my body absorbs a regular roller coaster ride every three weeks. It is still recovering from round five this week. Exercise is helping but the drain of the drugs can still get the best of me. Tonight I can feel the effects of all of the above wearing on me. Perhaps it is time for a confession. There are times during this journey where my claim to feel good was not quite the truth. I am slowly realizing that feeling normal may never have quite the same meaning. Maybe it is my thinking that my outward projection should be one of just doing wonderful. Things should be back to feeling decent by this weekend. The process of regaining strength will continue on for me.

God's people often face stressful conditions. I doubt Moses found his Red Sea moment a restful time. The prophets faced some hostile crowds while delivering their messages. Paul writes of the tolls that his ministry placed on him. Remember that Jesus often took time out of His schedule to be alone with God. He directs the disciples to take a break after the death of John the Baptist. My point is that renewing mind, body and spirit are norms for even the most faithful. We are designed so that all of our being should find harmony in our experience with God. It's not an either/or but it is both/and when it comes to mixing ministry with renewal. You can get caught in the trap of just always renewing rather than giving yourself away. You can also stay so busy that you leave no time for the refueling. There are times when the need of the moment pushes you into new depths of serving that you could not imagine. Listen to God as He will find a way to let you know how to respond. Make time each day to do some of both as you go about your business. Our world needs you. It just needs a healthy you ready to meet its challenges.

Bro. Trey