
Friday, October 15, 2010

Controversy is not something that I enjoy. My tendency is to find a middle ground for agreement on issues that are troubling. Sometimes it seems like people enjoy controversy just for the sake of having an argument. We have enough troubles in our world without having to stir up new ones. But tonight I am going to wade out into troubled waters for a few minutes. Understand that what follows is my opinion alone. It will pretty much take on my personality but my hope is you will understand what is said without trying to read more into it.

Make no mistake about one fact. Scripture declares homosexual behavior as wrong, imperfect, and sin. This is true in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. You do not need to apologize for the biblical teaching on the matter. Some well meaning believers attempt to soften this idea by suggesting all manner of cultural issues that may undo what the Bible says. Honest interpreters know that just simply is not possible. I know that there are families who face the painful reality of someone they love being gay. This must be among the most difficult of burdens for good Christian people to bear. But no matter how much some may wish to explain the truth away it remains as valid today as it was when first given.

But what does trouble me is the recent amount of news of bullying that results in a teenager taking their own life. Kids in their early teens are ending lives before they get the opportunity to find divine hope. To me this is a tragedy that should be stopped. I guess my mind wanders to grasp what Jesus might do in a similar situation. Would our savior be one who is critical or even ugly to those in this particular sin? I know that Jesus had moments where His words were straight to the point. But it also seems valid that His words to sinners of all kinds were firm yet they offered grace to those with real needs.

We believers tend to use grace as a crutch when it fits our opinions. Far too often we move from the gift of grace to a critical attitude when something goes against our personal values. Do not think that this post is suggesting we stop defending God's word when it is used wrong. And do not imagine that this means we have to be soft or apologetic about the truth. What I am saying is that God's people do not need to join in bullying others for whatever lifestyle we find offensive. There is indeed a way to extend authentic grace to sinners without giving up our beliefs. We do not need to settle for debates with sinners. We can and should move to speaking the truth in love to all in need of forgiveness. Teenagers should not have to die at their own hands because of us. I know that the bullies in these situations may not be remotely Christian. They may just be sinners of another ugly sort. Still, no young person struggling with those strange feelings needs to end up dead.

Is homosexuality sin? Of course it is outside God's will so that makes it sin. But let us who believe in the truth also model the behavior of Jesus. That is true for whatever form or lifestyle that defines a sinner. My biblical beliefs are not open to negotiation. However my hope is we can help stop the recent epidemic of teen suicides so they can find new life in Jesus.

Bro. Trey