
Monday, November 15, 2010

Let me report that my hair is slowly trying to return. At the moment it is my beard that is leading the way. Haircuts are still a long way down the road for me but there is progress. People ask me about the color of my hair. White is the predominant shade of hair that is coming back. Time will tell if that ends up being the final shade. People who come through the chemo process remind me that what returns is often very different than what was there at the start. My family keeps trying to tell me that my hair is showing signs of being darker. All I know is that at the moment my resemblance is to the actor Richard Dreyfuss. All of this is just part of the process in recovering from treatment. Let me say that I do like my appearance much better now than a few weeks ago.

We will just hit some topics tonight. This may be on the boring side but it's where my mind is this evening. Our former president is making the rounds talking about his new book. His book deals with how he made decisions both in his life and in the White House. I like George Bush. He did make some mistakes while in office but what president doesn't? His book seems like an interesting read. I had some time to glance through it last week. He does a good job putting his decision into context as to why he made those choices. It's fun to hear him after two years out of office. Only time will tell how some of his decisions play out in the passing of history. Some will always judge him harshly. My best guess is he will get better reviews in the years to come.

Did notice a news item while getting set up on the computer tonight. A non-denominational pastor in Georgia announced to his congregation that he is gay. It goes without saying that it was quite the shock to his parishioners. He says that his current wife knows but still remains with him. There was no report on how this will affect his job status. His is an independent church that he started so one can never tell about the response. The reason behind his announcement revolves around the recent media attention to bullying of gay teenagers. I already stated my opposition to such behavior not too long ago on this blog. We can and should defend biblical truth but never with violent methods. The same scripture that tells us that homosexuality is wrong also tells us how to relate to those outside God's will. His decision is for him to make. One can only hope that he remains open to God in order to find His best.

Making decisions is a constant in life. It matters not if you are a president or just a typical human being. What we fail to see is how our big decisions can often be the result of many small ones. Here is why God's will or guidance is crucial to our life. The question should never be about if we will obey God but how we do this. We need to also remember that few choices are made on their own. Other people are always involved in what we choose to do. Our lives are lived in relationship to others. Our behavior cannot help but impact our family, friends or others we may not even know at the moment. You can never predict how your choices may change the future. Obeying God's direction means you can rest assured those changes will also follow His guidance. People may not agree with our every decision. We can aim for obedience so our God is pleased regardless of what others think. He will be the one to call us good and faithful if we can live this way.

Bro. Trey