
Friday, December 17, 2010

Conflict is trying to run errands in North Longview at the same time schools are letting out for the holidays. This is my big lesson of the day. No shortcut seemed to work for me while trying to get home. Too many cars on too little road just ends up being a huge mess. No one is happy. Everything gets stalled in traffic. Nerves become frayed. It is a given that one will lose some of that Christmas spirit in such times. But my paternal responsibility is fulfilled for this day with only a slight loss of holiday cheer.

If you are one whose life is tainted by conflict just know that I understand. I honestly believe that far too many people are affected more by the negative actions of others than the life giving power of the Spirit. This is why some seem to live in constant pain. Unless you take steps toward healing you will carry around the bruises of bad behavior. Let me add that these injuries will color your entire being. Damage will affect you emotionally, spiritually as well as physically. You may not even be aware of how it works in your life. Some become so accustomed to how they go about life that they never realize it may not even be healthy. I am convinced that dysfunctional people will keep multiplying in our world along with in our congregations unless God intervenes. I constantly pray that He will.

Scripture is the best place to find out where you stand with damage in your life. You absolutely must be genuinely open to let God speak to you. Remember that if you do have bruises you will probably also have blind spots. Never forget to pray for Him to show you the truth about you and your pain. Recovering from conflict is hard work. You cannot just glance through scripture yet expect to become healthy. Keeping a journal so you can write down what God says is essential. It never ceases to amaze me how God consistently reveals truth to us. Writing down what you learn helps you see where He takes you in the journey. You may end up having conversations about the process of renewal. Take the risk of opening up with a true friend so you can let your feelings out. Letting the poison of pain out of your system will always leave room for God's presence to take up residence.

I honestly do believe that even the most damaged heart can be healed by the truth. God's purpose if for those who know Him to live life to the fullest. Some conflict will leave deeper scars than others. You may have hurts that shake you to the core of your being. These cannot be taken lightly. Jesus expresses how far He will go to heal you by dying on a cross. Even that act is a reminder of the cost of pain. Immerse your mind and heart in Him in real hope of grace and mercy. This journey will not be easy but it will make the difference in all you are and do. It's a path my life remains fixed on daily. I cannot be healthy by living any other way. My hope is you will find that divine healing for your hurts. It is there if you seek it.

Bro. Trey