Let me start by saying that there is no particular reason for the last two posts as they relate to conflict. I know that sometimes people can start looking for hints or clues into a topic that seems off the wall. These ideas came to mind just out of reflection about church life. They are not directed toward any one congregation. Life tells me that this is typical for too many churches at any given point. It may not matter what size or denomination a church is or is not. Several very large Baptist congregations are recent survivors of church wars. One drawback to all of our technological developments is now anyone and everyone with a computer can create a public forum to air criticisms. Perhaps there is no better sign of our sinful tendency than in how we take brand new tools to utilize them for our personal gain. My original point was just to say these thoughts are the result of lots of years spent in the congregational trenches.
Conflict will always be the outcome of two different people or groups competing for the same place. We said that this can be emotional, spiritual, or even physical in nature. It is also less about issues and more about personalities. Let me explain. Some churches can recycle conflict on a regular basis. You will find that the topics may change but the individuals remain the same. Here is when the same people are fighting the same battles but finding new excuses to do so. Positions are staked out in such times which force some innocent bystanders to choose one side or the other. This again is often less about an issue and more about personal connections. Most of the time these crises are given spiritual or religious labels. You have to do this so you can claim that God is on your side. After all, who wants to be the one fighting against the Almighty or His messengers? This is why the majority of conflict is not theological but about who a person or group likes and who they do not like.
People matter very much to me. My personality may not seem oriented that way but they do matter much to me. This is why dealing with conflict is vital whether in private or in public. Way too many believers carry around damage from what is called "friendly fire." Innocent people can be swept up in the skirmishes of others. Scars remain for a very long time unless the person finds authentic healing from God. Some described the church as the only organization that shoots its wounded. My question is why do we wound them in the first place? Too often our zeal to be right brings our behavior into the exact opposite of what our Lord taught and modeled. Jesus goes about offering forgiveness and wholeness to those with real needs. Church members will often go about dismissing those who are not in their corner with their agenda. No one ever asks if any involved are truly accountable to God with their actions. This is how we wind up with good people who truly believe in Jesus but can never trust a church ever again.
Being brutally honest with God is the only valid pathway to ending conflict. You will need to recognize behavior as both dangers and even evil. Again, this is a reason for not being obedient in this area. We find it difficult or impossible to admit our heart is in need of renewal. Better to excuse our actions as something beyond our control than really take ownership of our life. Easier to blame another person for outbursts or other harmful deeds than own up to what we are doing. Without this step of transparency with God we will never do any more than tone down behavior. We may be content with a momentary truce but still be at the mercy of the darkest places in our heart. Jesus healed the blind, raised the dead along with many other great miracles. He can restore us to a place of compassion and grace. We will have to first admit our need for Him. That will not happen until we recognize the growing distance between His will and our heart. One can only hope we will remember that His guidance leads us to healing. It's a healing for our life as well as any we injure along the way.
Bro. Trey
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