
Monday, December 27, 2010

I did try to rest early last night. The morning still arrived way too early. My time of birth was around 1:30 in the morning many years ago. Being a night person must be the result of that first experience. Even going to have my port removed wasn't enough excitement to get me fully awake by departure time. But we can report that my temporary guest within my body is now out. This part of my journey is at an end. The procedure went smooth once under way. It was a different story getting to that point.

Arrival time was 7:00 this morning. Registration was prompt and on time. Things broke down right after that. For some odd reason it appears that I got lost in the system. Someone finally called for me about twenty minutes prior to when my operation time. Everyone moved in a hurry at that point. Yes, my attire was indeed the wondrous hospital gown that always threatens to be a tad revealing. Rolling down the hallway is an interesting time. Gives a guy time to count all of the lights in the ceiling. The actual experience was easy for the most part. Discomfort did occur at times but it was never anything overwhelming. My nurse even showed me the port once it was out. It really is not a large thing but there is no doubt it was invaluable to my recovery. Sutures were last on the agenda as the doctor sewed up the incision on the inside and the outside. My recovery was good enough to allow for lunch nearby before returning home. Not eating for awhile does make one a little grumpy. Most of the rest of the day was spent resting. I did move around some but the soreness tells me to remember my limits.

There is some pain tonight. It is nothing that is remotely close to unbearable. I will have to use caution when cleaning up for a few days. But I do promise to continue bathing even with the precautions! Not sure we will aim for any deep spiritual meaning to all of this. My mind still has limits of physical fatigue. Tomorrow should be better for making some sense of this. Just know that right now my health is good. Some of this is due to good medical care. Some of this is due to the spiritual aspect of this adventure. All of this gets a big thank you to God from me. Yes, I will thank God for His goodness no matter His role in my illness. My thanks also goes to anyone who prayed or wished me well. It is something that will never be forgotten.

Bro. Trey