
Monday, December 20, 2010

One of my favorite sermons is "What do you want for Christmas?" The idea is not original to me but was adapted from another person. Points for this message change as the years go by. I guess my first time to do it was around 25 years ago. My original ideas are still valid but are shaped by the passing of time. Development of the sermon rests on brief descriptions of characters around the first Christmas. You try to identify aspects of their character that you would want for a gift. As long as you keep discovering what these people are like then you can continue to build new ideas into the message. So, what do you want for Christmas?

I would like to have the faith of Joseph. He reminds me how our faith is much more than what we believe. There is far more to this part of our character than just being biblical. We must continue to allow our heart and mind to be shaped by fresh guidance from God. This will not always be easy. Risk is a common thread for anyone who builds a trusting relationship with God. We will be challenged to walk in paths that are new to us. This is why I would like to have his faith. Too often even my life becomes the sum total of that which is easy or comfortable. Real faith will confront that tendency to nudge us further into God's presence.

I would also like to have the courage of Mary. Here is a young woman who is called into a task so amazing that scholars continue to debate it. Hers will be a task the size of God. We do tend to overlook Mary in our evangelical heritage. Perhaps we flee too much from her role due to how our Catholic friends view her. No matter how you see Mary the reality is you cannot dismiss her courage. She will accept the destiny God has for her with amazing courage. Her first born will be more than just a baby. He will be the Savior of humanity. Don't let the elements of His birth blind you to the greater truth. This child who is born in a Bethlehem barn is indeed the promised Messiah. Mary will spend her life as both mother and follower in His journey. Her courage would be something I wish for anyone who hears God's voice.

I would also like something to shout about like the angels. You remember the angels? They will appear during that first evening to proclaim the arrival of the Messiah. Don't miss the fact that they will announce this good news to shepherds. These guys were the lowest of the social ladder in their day. God sends angels not to the elite but to the most common people of all. The news is just so good that all need to hear it. We do tend to shout in church but it's not always a good thing. Far too much shouting is of the negative variety. Those of us changed by the good news have authentic reasons for letting others know. Angelic excitement would go a long way in our communication of the truth.

I would last like to have more of the love of God to make this all happen. His entire purpose in the birth of Jesus is born of His love. This is not just love for a big world but one that is bad in way too many areas. It is not a love that is just emotional but is as real as we are. God shows the depth of that love by loving us while we were still sinners. It is a living, breathing love all the way through the cross. It is still the kind of love we need for changing the world. Love is an active verb much more than it is a noun. We need that at Christmas. We need it all year round.

Bro. Trey