Never ceases to amaze me how much better a fixed and cleaned computer works compared to when it is sick. You could say my computer was infected with sin before it was healed. I have no idea as to why or how it happens but it does. Viruses or other bugs are part of the risk of this modern age when it comes to technology. My thought is if someone is smart enough to make up things that damage a computer should they not be able to do helpful things as well? Another part of me knows that anyone who wants to hack my system will be terribly disappointed at what they find. My bank account really is nothing any sneaky individual would get excited about. But we live in an evil day where misguided people seem to want to wreck havoc more than help others.
I heard someone say years ago that repentance is the refusal to repeat past mistakes. This is what happens when my computer goes in for repairs. The old stuff that causes problems is eliminated. Experts know how to diagnose what is broken. Fixing a computer is way beyond my ability. I trust them to know what to do as well as how to do it. Next comes to process of getting all of the parts that were broken to work again. Some issues are taken out of the computer. There are always new things to replace the old or add to its protection. Each step is done to make the device reach its full potential. Odds are good that this is never a one time deal. The more you use your computer will lead to possible problems down the road. One way to avoid breaking one is just to never use it in the first place.
Repentance is a requirement in growing a healthy life. You cannot just roam through this journey without getting some bugs along the way. Avoiding anything that may be risky will not keep you from becoming damaged. That action can be the worst damage of all. We tend to fear the process of divine repair as always being painful. Reality says that not being renewed is far more painful than repenting. You will come far closer to God's heart during such a time than you will ever reach by doing nothing. Love is how God operates during our renewing times. The guys who worked on my computer probably felt nothing but technical stuff. God expresses His entire heart to us when we allow Him to do just that. Not only does the bad stuff of our life get thrown out but we regain our divine awareness of His mercy. That is always worth letting the bugs of our life be eliminated.
Bro. Trey
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