
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

We are again waiting on the arrival of yet another winter storm. Forecasters just do not know exactly when it will begin to unleash its torment upon us. Odds are that we will begin tomorrow with the usual winter rain that will become snow. I have a feeling that our school will dismiss early in order to return the kids to their homes prior to any frozen roads. Some of our local school systems are already cancelling or delaying the start of the work day. My town is in one of those areas where we just have to wait to see what happens. This much snow in my area of Texas is pretty rare. Temperatures normally average about sixty degrees during the day in early February. Highs in the mid thirties makes this a definite change from the norm. Snow or rain is actually a welcome thing now. Last summer was far too dry so precipitation will always be a plus.

This may be a good time for a fast health update. News in that area is not terribly exciting. Let me at least say that there are days now when my body feels better than ever. I just have to remember that my fiftieth birthday approaches in May. Most of my exercise is still aimed at losing the steroid weight from this summer. We don't have any scales so one can only guess how that is going. Cardio exercise is my main weapon to overcome the extra pounds. Some days I will spend sixty minutes doing various machines to increase the endurance. Seems to me that something should be working on the weight. It was either lose the extra baggage or purchase new clothes. Exercise is cheaper. There are still moments when chemo brain takes hold. Forgetfulness is a very real problem for some who suffer through the treatment. No one knows how long this problem will last but it may just be part of my journey now. My next doctor visit is upcoming in a few days. Maybe she will let me know how things are going.

Weather should cooperate with us this upcoming weekend. Our students are holding a fund raiser at Sunday lunch. I hope we see a large turnout for this event. My plan is to ask or encourage people to sit in different places during the meal. We tend to sit by age groups or with our favorite few people. One idea that crossed my mind is for our students and adults to mingle as they dine. Most students don't know very many adults. Our adults may not really know many students. Church is often referred to as a fellowship. But can you claim real fellowship if time isn't set aside to get acquainted with everyone?

Bro. Trey