Does it ever bother anyone else to be constantly faced with periodicals or websites going overboard with the latest celebrity or scandal? My home page on the computer is a generic site with news or other assorted information. It never fails that more stories are found there about the latest rehab visit or some other person living in their fifteen minutes of fame. This is yet again a result of the odd curiosity of human beings for anything remotely popular. History records our fascination with people who may be famous even if there is no serious reason for that reality. Reality television now makes household names of people who possess no talent or redeeming quality. I am not going to recite the list of names now dominating the headlines or search engines. Do not even imagine that my goal is to ridicule or judge such individuals. But it seems like lately that this tendency is becoming more of a personal pet peeve.
Being famous is not by definition a bad thing. Lots of people in scripture were well known to some degree or the other. Adam and Eve were famous but there wasn't many other people to know. Joseph in Genesis would be famous as he became a leader in Egypt. Moses would follow him and also become known by a greater audience. David was surely famous especially after becoming king. We know that Jesus fame was widespread during His ministry. We could keep going but you get the idea. God works through people of all degrees of notoriety. Do not make the mistake that one must be famous in order to be part of God's purpose. Jesus reminds us to keep our work of ministry in focus to guard against arrogance. His call may not lead to a low profile. He may doing something through you that will draw attention. He may also do His purpose through you in ways not all will notice.
The best church stuff taking places happens through those who are not looking for fame or even for credit. We tend to fail when it comes to doing ministry from a servant heart. You have to be willing for others to help or even get the attention when it comes to this lifestyle. This type activity will always benefit others in the long run. We can far too often undertake efforts to boost our image much more than helping others be better people. Feelings get bruised too much even in church life when someone else takes the spotlight away from us. We tend to think we know what is best for anyone who would listen to us. Leading out in kingdom business must begin and end with the concept of being a servant. We are all sinners who know the grace of God to transform our life. My job may attract more attention than others but it is not more important than any other. We are all to be seeking God's direction for us while meeting the needs of people. Besides, do you really want to be on the covers of one of those magazines in the grocery checkout stand?
Bro. Trey
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