
Monday, May 09, 2011

I asked my daughter as we left the school tonight if she knew what day this is.  Not sure if the grammar in that sentence is correct but it was a valid question.  You will have to begrudge me at least one more personal piece of writing here.  My confusion originates from how hectic this last week turned out.  She did finally tell me that it is still a Monday.  Right now each day just kinda mixes in with all of the others.  Again, please do not think that I am complaining.  My choices go into each of the events of the last few days as far as my schedule.  It was my decision to make those trips last week to visit friends in their loss.  My choice was to attend one event in the morning followed by an academic banquet this evening.  Losing track of the days just tagged along for the ride.

My son went to his prom this morning.  Several hundred special needs students gathered to dance the morning away.  He borrowed one of my ties to go with his outfit.  At least I was able to talk him out of a full "man's suit."  But he did look awful spiffy in his nice clothes.  My daughter and I drove over to watch while she took photos for the yearbook.  It was a celebration of chaos to be sure.  This dad had a few moments when the emotions began to build.  You should see all of these students just march to the beat of "Thriller."  Some who attended live with mild issues that barely nudge them out of the mainstream.  Others are trapped inside their minds and bodies out of reach for most of us.  Nico is from Hallsville.  He is one who will never know what it is to be free from his wheelchair. Every student there is so amazing and special.  Dads dance with daughters even if a child is picked up and held.  Wheelchairs sway back and forth to music.  Life is not easy for these.  I do include my son in that group.  But this was one day for them to cut loose and enjoy.

Tonight was our school's academic banquet.  This yearly event recognizes the academic accomplishments throughout the high school.  It is also the last one for my daughter.  Let's just say we almost needed a U Haul truck to transport her winnings.  I am so very proud of her class.  They remind me of my graduating class way back in the 20th century.  These are the kids that are closest to my heart.  Many who are connected to our church received all manner of recognition.  My emotions once again nearly took over near the end.  This just happen when a dad sees his little girl named both Student of the Year along with Valedictorian.  It also happened when one of her friends received a special leadership award at the end.  Her dad and I went to high school together way back when.  We will just say that I felt like a proud father when hearing of both these awards.  Something tells me to bring two boxes of tissues to graduation.

You will never hear my apologize for putting fatherhood above most everything else in life.  Now it is also true that my job allows me some freedoms not found with other employment.  Making time for special education proms is far easier for me than most guys.  So it seems to be wise in taking advantage of this unique freedom.  Hopefully there is more involved than just the amount of hours or minutes.  My greatest desire was to be a dad who had kids who liked him along with being around him.  I really do not have any great secret in making that a reality.  I am just me for better or for worse.  All that I know is how great my life is because of my two offspring.  I am very proud of both for their own achievements.  Maybe my emotions end up working overtime but each minute is worth it. 

Bro. Trey