
Friday, June 10, 2011

Morning is not my friend.  We never got close over the years.  This doesn't mean that I can't wake up but that it is not on my list of favorite things.  Evenings are usually good for me.  I would love to tell you why this is but the reason escapes me even after all of these years.  My dad usually was the one to get me moving when growing up.  He would repeat a saying from his army years to encourage me.  He would tell me that everyday is a holiday and tomorrow is Saturday.  That sounds good but he said it on days other than Friday.  It loses some zip on Tuesday mornings.  Maybe the message is that each day matters.  Maybe it means that you can never tell what can take place even in difficulty.  Just because it may be Saturday is no protection against bad stuff.  You have to learn to see each day as a gift. 

I use that saying when talking about how Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding.  My point is that the presence of the divine makes anything possible.  No obstacle is so great that our God cannot overcome it.  Yet we tend to live in the sameness of life even when we profess to follow Him.  One lesson learned while traveling with a class of special needs kids is that anything may take place while with them.  You know they are going to be different so you learn to look and listen for those moments.  Jesus is a little bit like that.  He does not always reveal to us what may happen.  God just shows up when invited to be part of the journey.  Just be sure that He isn't here to just do tricks or magic to impress others.  God's action will change your life along with the lives of others.

Obedience is the hard part of making each day as creative as can be.  You may discover that doing what God says can be as arduous as the conditions of the moment.  Jesus gives some very peculiar directions to the waiters at this wedding.  He tells them to fill waterpots with water without giving any glimpse into what the plan may involve.  Without this action there is no miracle.  Miracles call for a degree of risk to take God at His word.  They also include the willingness to let God be God.  We often begin by telling Him how we want our life to be fixed.  You may find that the point of the activity of God is far past just patching our world.  His desire is to transform us along with the situation.

Everyday is a holiday when Jesus is active in the present tense.  Prayer becomes the vehicle for greatness as we take our requests to God.  We learn how to listen to divine guidance when He seeks to do a new thing in our world.  Being a disciple means that each day is wide open for spontaneous grace.  God acts to let others know His reality.  Our tendency is to just do the best we can so our opinion of self grows larger.  Jesus reminds us that all is in comparison to what He can do.  Tomorrow really is Saturday.  The presence or activity of Jesus will determine if it is also a cause to celebrate. 

Bro. Trey