
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Today was a lot of fun.  I got to baptize two adorable yet very giggly little girls this morning.  One is a red haired cutie while the other is my Facebook friend.  I am grateful to God for allowing me to have even a small part of that moment.  It was a tough service in that two of our girls will be away at college next week.  One of them is of course my daughter.  We will honestly miss them playing keyboard during our worship.  Times are changing fast around here.  One can only hope these will be changes that extend God's goodness in the lives of others.  Times like these tend to be too far and too in between.  God tends to operate where He is invited.  Being a part of good church services is something we can all celebrate.

There were lots of tears around my house today.  I won't go into all of the details other than to say time is drawing near for college.  Seems like there is one goodbye gathering after the other lately.  My memory of going off to school was just getting in my vehicle and going.  Part of this is because of the closeness of so many of the friends.  That is a good thing to be sure.  I admire how strong those relationships became over the years.  Now each of them will be going their separate ways.  Grief is a normal reaction to this.  But we can forget how growing up often takes us in various paths along the way.  It is the way of life.  It is how we learn to be human.

No one really ever remains stagnant.  Part of being alive means the constant growth in every way possible.  You and I do not remain the same.  Our hope is that we find God's help in our becoming who He intends us to be.  This is true whether you are moving to college or you are half a hundred in age.  Arriving at our destination will not ever totally happen until we are at home with God.  Here is one reason for some sense of anticipation for each day.  You know this is a day when God will do something to bring you closer to the target of maturity.  Now you know why our earthly journey is one of constant shifting, growing or changing no matter our age.  You may indeed have to move physically to get to the next step of developing.  You may find times when it takes place right where you are.  Being stable is never God's best word for us.  Remaining the same is no option.

Faith includes the idea of treading into places that may be unfamiliar.  We take the risk of moving with God rather than becoming wedged in the same old existence.  This is life abundant.  This is the definition of cutting edge living.  Tears can be involved to be sure.  Just remember the greater outcome is one of joy.  Change can be painful but it is essential for healthy living.  We tend to be most alive when our God moves us to new places.  To remain in sameness is far more dangerous than taking the risk of faith.  Pray for an open heart and a clear mind to uncover what riches of grace may be given to us each day.

Bro. Trey