We are moving into the afterglow of 9/11 observances across the country. Our church spent the first part of our service doing patriotic songs and such. It just seems impossible to really capture all of the emotion involved in one service. My view is that this is a painful yet helpful anniversary for us as a whole. Looking back into the pain is not easy but it can let us know how we are doing since that day. It is also true that television just does not convey the sights and sounds of this event. Count me as among the many people who never visited New York City. My mind cannot fathom the scenes of that day or this one. My hope is that our small observance is enough to keep the memory alive with honor.
Our country is just struggling so much now. I am not going to do a catalog of issues since most of us already feel the pain of the problems. It is enough to know that every area of our society is tested during these days. Business as usual will just not be enough to see us through. Believers tend to put too much stock into politics. There is an idea going around that God only uses people of a single political persuasion to do His work. Never forget that in the Old Testament that God had a way of taking pagan rulers to use them for His purpose. The prophets would speak often of divine direction being offered even when the bad guy seemed to be in charge. Turning to the New Testament reveals how God transformed people not by their vote but by His presence. History tells us that even the Romans could not eliminate the work of God through that early church. Maybe we would do well to remember that?
Divisions continue to define our country even following that attack on all of America ten years ago. Neither political party seems to know how to govern or lead this nation to real security. Blame should rest not just on whoever is President but on all who choose govern the land of the free and the home of the brave. I truly believe our founding fathers would wonder what happened to their original intent in the Constitution. My goal in saying all of this is to remind us that any real solution will first be spiritual. We live in a unique and distinct country. Our nation survived decades of conflicts across the sea. We also withstood this attack on our homeland. I don't think any final blow will come from outside our shores. We will lose our way when we become selfish or hollow on the inside.
I pray our vision will not be limited by tragedy or tyranny. May we seek to be His people in our present tense condition. Let us honor those who gave lives in service by living larger than our wants. God can take the worst of times to make them useful for Him. A real tragedy would be to let the horrible define us rather than God's grace. Let your light shine. It will always be enough to overcome any darkness.
Bro. Trey
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