My usual Sunday post will now appear on Monday. I got a late start then visited with some people for awhile in the office. The visit was great but now the time stamp will be off. I really do not know what a time stamp is but it does something here. Most sixth grade students know far more about computers than I ever will. This is something that bothers me not one bit. Pointing and clicking work just fine for me. Anything above that is way beyond my ability. Even my autistic son knows more about working these machines than me. He really is a whiz when it comes to technology. I even call on him to do stuff to our television when needed. I may not know much but even less is known about computers.
Anyway, my original point was just to say how the evening got away from me. Time has a way of doing that even with the best intentions. I took my son last week to see a kid's movie revolving around the issue of time. The film will not win any major awards but it wasn't all bad. The main characters needed to learn that how we use our time now matters greatly. We spend far too much energy wishing for more hours or days without really making our current measure count. I need to remember this constantly. You would think that being a cancer survivor would cure me of this ailment but it still happens. School begins its second week with me still wondering where did my summer go? Now there is a constant urge to get everything into each day.
It is true that some days may matter more than others. August 29 is always a huge day for me. It was nineteen years ago that my daughter entered the world. This is my first occasion of her celebrating her day without me. I told her that this does not please me at all. My hope is that her new friends at college will make her feel worth celebrating. I should get to see her next weekend if all falls right. We did spend much more time together than some parents get to do. This is one of the good things about my job. And yet is still was not nearly as much time as I could wish for now. Time matters greatly whether we acknowledge it or not. We all get the same amount of hours and minutes in a day but some of us use them more wisely.
Make the days work for you rather than just roaming through them. Be a difference maker for others so their day is brighter. Use spare moments to reflect or regroup spiritually in the midst of our busyness. Learn to be grateful for each day God allows. It is much more than changing your calendar. You may discover how it changes your life.
Bro. Trey
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