
Monday, December 12, 2011

Our most recent sporting craze revolves around Tim Tebow.  You know the name as he is a quarterback in the NFL with the Denver team.  He plays nothing like the traditional quarterback in any form or fashion.  That fact alone drives many in sports media absolutely crazy.  Hours and hours are spent criticizing how he throws or other aspects of his game.  The "experts" said he can never succeed as a professional.  All he is doing is leading his team toward a possible playoff game at the moment.  Anyone who spends much time listening to these people would think there is no way for him to be doing what he is indeed doing.  You also probably know that what Tebow does on the field is not the only source of criticism. 

Tebow is a very committed believer in Jesus.  His parents raised him in the faith beyond just knowing the words.  He is active in doing mission work around the world.  Even his college coach gives Tebow credit for nudging his faith along.  Most games will show Tebow praying or doing other religious stuff during the contest.  It's not something he hides from at all.  Interviews will be noted for his references to his faith as the guide for his life.  Tebow says that God may not care who wins any game but this doesn't lessen his belief.  Some people in and out of the game find all of his words or actions less than desirable.  They want nothing of God in athletic events.  Resentment is being expressed that this player is doing such a good job yet credits God for any success.  It all just makes me wonder.

You read far too much about the famous athlete or person in any public field behaving badly.  Then you will read of the critics finding fault with the behavior.  Then you find a public person with sincere faith who doesn't have any mug shots or arrest record.  Maybe we just are not happy no matter what as a society.  Tebow is surely not the only believer in the public arena.  Others avoid problems while declaring faith in large and small ways.  You really begin to wonder what is the point or reason to being a follower of Jesus.  It could be the fear or criticism that keeps most of us from going public.  We see what happens on a larger scale while wondering if it can happen to us. 

No one said being committed would ever be free from danger.  Those first believers faced real physical trials from those in authority.  Now our obstacles are more internal than fatal.  Here is one of the real problems of doing nothing with our faith.  We cannot begin to offer hope to others when our faith will not take the risk of rejection.  Convincing others to believe is really not our job.  Jesus told us that He would work on that with us as we express our faith.  Stress is not needed to be spiritual in our world.  Our faith may not be nearly as public as Tim Tebow.  Just do not think that what we can do is not as significant as him.

Bro. Trey