These last few days were complicated to say the least. School starts. Visits get made. Work happens. Computers refuse to cooperate. This is my story the last few days. I began using Google Chrome some time ago to write on the blog. You may or may not know this was because my usual network failed to assist me. We gained new computers in June here at the office. All was to be smooth sailing from this point forward. Funny how life seldom turns out how you expect. Google Chrome began refusing my requests for use. Frustration mounted. So today I tried the old fashioned approach which did indeed work! Now we will see how long this can last.
I learned long ago that life happens whether you plan for it or not. Far too many people are going around all intense trying to make life fit their plan. They remind me of the salmon trying to swim upstream only to end up eaten by a bear. Plans are good. They can be healthy for a measure of where we wish to go. A follower of Jesus needs to understand that plans always run secondary to the interruptions of God in life. I have no idea nor any evidence that this latest computer issue is divine or from the other side. But it happened. You try to figure out what is wrong while still moving forward. To just give up is never an answer.
My mind is not particularly fast these days. So it normally will take me awhile to come up with a new attempt at rearranging life. This time it took three days for me to find the simplest solution. I cannot say whether or not there is any deep spiritual truth in all of this. I do know that everything in our life as followers of Jesus should lead back to Him. Sometimes it may be computer failure. There are times schedules go off track for various reasons. Maybe some of it comes from feeling under the weather. Our list could go on for a long time. But whatever does end up on our list is cause to reflect back on our priority relationship. The question is not how do I get out of the mess in the fastest way possible. The real issue is what does God want to do now that I am in the mess. Answering that second question will make the troubles worth the effort.
Bro. Trey
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