I got on my soapbox today. I can admit it. Sometimes there are things that just build up that need to come out. Today was a time for that. You need to understand some things about letting of steam in the midst of a sermon. It is not my normal approach to my studies. Far too many ministers just rant or rave about whatever the hot topic of the week may be. That approach is easy. To work with scripture in order to develop depth is hard. I don't even always feel good about such public expressions. They can feel far more like taking the listener on a guilt trip than actually having something worthwhile to say. No doubt there would be something each week to complain about during a sermon but that is not what it is for. Preaching should be about learning something from scripture to relate to the needs of people. But there do come times when a bit more aggressive attitude may be needed.
We are still using the book "Radical" as a point of reference for our studies. My usual way of doing this is to read through a chapter or two early in the week. Then it is time to reflect on what is written for my personal application. Do not think this is done isolated from the scripture. I keep my mind and heart open to passages that connect to what the author says. And do not imagine that I agree with everything read in the book. One practical outcome of my doctoral studies is knowing how to read with a critical view. Not everything you read is always fitting for where you are in the journey. Even your most favorite writers may say things that are not relevant to where you are now. Then it is time to blend the reading of the book with scripture to start building the sermon. This is done sometime on Tuesday in a perfect world. I just wish the world was always perfect.
Our topic related to being radical in our mission as individual following as well as in our church life. We do tend to settle for the soft and safe when it comes to this. How ironic that Jesus never seems to live much in either the soft or the safe. Being radical in our mission means to be intentional in how we live. We choose to put our self at risk by reaching out to others. We make every encounter one where we try to offer God's best to another. Our tendency is to hide from dealing with sinners by having more church meetings. It is a sure bet we will never be on mission while discussing minor matters. What is worse is how we make those small issues such big things. Here is when we become blind to people. Jesus never allows others to dictate His mission. People matter greatly to Him and this is why that divine grace changes their world.
Nothing will ever replace the one on one encounter we see Jesus model repeatedly. Sure it can be risky to live this way but it is less risky than doing nothing. Jesus never separates His life from other people. His habit is to get involved with others while working miracles. We need to begin with that miracle of His presence in our mind and heart. Only then can we share that grace with others. Maybe the reason we would rather blame others for our plight is our fear of being changed by God. And that becomes the reason the world only gets worse. Even sadder is we will then criticize a world we are unwilling to help. Remember that is not the mission of Jesus so it also should not be ours.
Bro. Trey
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