
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Today was not the best of days here.  It was one for me to endure more than enjoy.  Please do not consider that a harsh statement as it was directed at me.  Getting through the day was going to be iffy at best before it began.  Last week turned out hectic with the death of one of my favorite people here.  More time goes into funeral arrangements than you may know.  Then my lungs decided to get clogged up to the point of a doctor visit.  I had an upper respiratory infection a few weeks ago but my lungs still weren't cooperating.  My doctor gave me a complete checkup along with some breathing medicine.  I did get an X-Ray that came back clean.  The whole point of this is preparation time was limited along with getting past this bronchitis.  I normally say that this is not an excuse but an explanation for my day.  Also, the rain we received today may be great for farmers but not so much for churches.   Perhaps this sounds like complaining but try to see it a simple list of facts. 

Not everyday goes according to plan.  We may not feel our best on occasion.  Other times we may have circumstances that work against us.  You just have to reach down to find your best even if you feel your worst.  You also have to remember that it is God who does the actual work in church.  He is not limited to the success of our efforts.  This may sound like a veiled attempt to get out of being responsible but it is not.  Years of experience reminds me that not every service is awesome.  This does not mean the week was a total loss though.

My doctor visit was set for Thursday afternoon.  I asked my son the night before if he wanted to go or stay at school with his aide.  She often comes to our house to help stay with him as needed.  His response was that he would travel with me even if that meant leaving school fairly early.  I called that day to let his teacher know that he would be going with me.  She tried to talk me out of it but I knew he already had a plan.  So her next attempt was to ask him if he really didn't want to stay with her and the aide.  He thought for a moment as he often does.  Then he replied, "I love Trey."  That is his way of saying that he was going with me.  So her next question was about how much he loves me.  He spread his arms wide to say this much! I enjoyed our trip that day way more than normal. 

Here is one simple point.  Making better decisions is easier when you have a greater love of God.  His choice was rather easy with his desire to be with me.  Ours gets far less complicated when we have our heart set first on God.  Even getting a better handle on our sin becomes less of an issue when we love God first.  Far too many times we base our decisions on our feelings or how we view life rather than by loving God.  Focus your heart on Him so the rest of you will fall into line.  It may not make your day easier but it will insure that each day matters.

Bro. Trey