They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Guess that means the blog should be even more popular than ever. I basically took last week off for various reasons. Writing just did not seem to be at the top of my priority list. But there wasn't a great deal that seemed very important as the days rolled along. Nothing can be much worse than just feeling yukky in terms of physical health. Yuk may seem like an odd word but it is the best description for the last few days. Today seems to be far better in terms of feeling good but don't expect me to get too excited just yet.
Going into lots of detail would be an easy temptation. Let me try to resist the urge. Just know that getting over bronchitis is not easy nor fun. My doctor gave me an asthma inhaler to try to help with breathing. I am guessing the medicine got used way too much. Odds are good that it needed to be set aside once the lungs cleared. Now it sits in a drawer to only be used on occasion. Catching my breath is simpler now but then it seemed like the nasty stomach bug tried to get me. I did ask the Lord that if He was trying to get me then could He please stop just missing me! Not being able to breathe well along with having a stomach upset with anything you do is a horrible combination. Those are the times it takes a great deal of effort just to feel anything. Chemo was not nearly as dreadful as last week.
It sounds like whining but the ailments were just part of my reality last week. One good thing about it was the time spent praying. I would enjoy telling you those prayers were deeply spiritual but they probably were more like the whining. One thing to learn over time is how to do whatever you can no matter how you feel. Let me also tell you something you may not read on many other ministry blogs. Feeling bad does affect how you prepare for a study. I knew that my efforts for this morning were shaky at best. Please be assured that I did the best work possible under the circumstance. But there do come those moments when you just have to trust God to do His best when you are at your worst. You can arrive at the prayer of Paul who asked for greater grace in the midst of his weakness. Such a journey is seldom easy but it may be needed.
So most of my time last week was spent reading or thinking. The body just told me that it was not going to be at full speed. That left time to see the Rangers totally collapse in their season. I had time to read up on some other blogs of people way smarter than me. There was time to think about the various stuff going on in the world. Having to slow down is not always a negative. The key is to not stop everything to the point you regress. Always keep moving forward. This way you do not have to let the blah times get the best of you.
Bro. Trey
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