
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

There is nothing like recovering from the upper respiratory infection.  How is that for an odd opening line?  Feeling better can sometimes seem like getting worse.  Coughing is welcome even if it comes at a price.  Breathing is improving though there is still the sound of the yuk within my lungs.  Grossing you out is not my aim tonight.  Perhaps it is already too late but let me report that the treatments are working.  I was able to get on a cardio machine at the school today without much fuss.  I hate being sick.  But it is probably valid that most normal people do not long for days of illness.

Two years ago was about the time my chemo treatments were drawing to a close.  Those were not a day at the fair either.  My doctor visit last week was with my physician who set me on the course to discover my ailment.  I told her there wasn't much she could tell me this time that would bother me more than my last trip to see her.  She laughed but it sounded like a nervous laugh.  No doubt doctors do not enjoy the reminder of the more difficult diagnosis. 

This leads to a question.  Why would anyone refuse the advice or treatment of a physician when sick?  I know my preference is to do what is required to get over this bronchitis stuff.  Even enduring chemo treatments paid off with a prognosis of remission.  Some refuse help for all types of reasons.  None of those explanations make sense to me when you have a good shot at recovery.  Getting better may not always be an easy path but it is worthwhile.

You can guess the obvious application of tonight.  God often tells us what may be wrong in our life while offering to heal us of sin and such.  We don't always leap for joy when that happens even if it is needed.  God may get real personal about our shortcomings which makes us feel uneasy.  Then what He prescribes for our spiritual health sounds painful if not difficult.  Maybe this is why most of us practice the art of drive-by devotions where we ask God to bless us rather than renew us.  We are timid when it comes to being honest with God about His purpose for life.  People who truly know God are those willing to persevere even when He gets very personal about our life.  They know whatever pain comes with His examination is worth it when we become who He desires.  That health isn't just for awhile but it lasts for a lifetime.

Bro. Trey