I mentioned recently that my tenure in my present position is entering year thirteen. That is a very long time. My mind could not even conceive of being in one place this long until the years just added up. It is a fascinating thing to remain somewhere for such a duration. We won't go into all of the gory details but let it be said people are just people wherever you go. It is also about one year since I began leading the hymns on Sundays. That should be a terrifying thought for anyone who knows me. I do have a great singing voice but it is sadly somewhere in my imagination. Learning to accept your limitations is surely a mark of maturity somewhere. But each week it is my task to stand up to lead the congregation in singing our hymns and songs. This is also a journey not to be take up by the weak.
Trying to weave music to satisfy the average congregation starts in the no win scenario. Some churches are limited to target a particular group. Those of us who attempt to reach all ages always face to possible backlash against any style of music. Some tell us there is no such thing as Christian music but only Christian lyrics. Others tell us that music is crucial in and of itself. I remember reading various viewpoints while going through a doctoral seminar on worship. Each side made excellent points but never did quite convince me that either direction was the sole victor. Some old hymns can be pretty bad in terms of music or lyrics. Even our new worship music can be impossible to translate into the average church. I pretty much put a traditional hymn on the shelf after it failed last Sunday. We also try some new music but it is hard to do with just piano and organ.
This is the week we really turn back the clock. It is the day of our annual fish fry with singing afterward. We do that in the afternoon. So in our morning service we are going to sing great old gospel songs. I am talking about songs that are normally done with shaped notes and quartets. These are songs which are entrenched in my memory as well as my faith. I grew up listening to these tunes along with singing them at various gatherings. Just looking for the songs was a trip down memory lane. Now there is no way of knowing what response the music will get in general. Some may think it is the grandest idea since sliced bread. Others may wonder what is the big deal about them. Such is the nature of most issues that infect the average congregation.
One writer referred to our struggles as "worship wars." It is pretty accurate as one side wants the other to surrender. My chief concern with any music is that it be done well. Being sloppy is no way to honor God. Are some songs better than others when it comes to worship? The answer to that is yes. Are some songs just not quite as fitting as others when it comes to worship? Yes is again the response. It is not about one style being more appropriate than another. Worship is about our being in tune with God. If our heart is distant from Him then does it really matter what type of music we sing?
Bro. Trey
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