Life moves fast if you don't pay attention. So says Ferris Beuller in his movie. You may miss it if you aren't careful. That sums up my last few weeks. It's mostly been good but there are always speed bumps in the road. If you learn that lesson then it is much easier to get through unscathed. Some people keep expecting the world to slow down so they can catch up. Odds are good that won't happen. Life gives every person the same amount of time in a day or a week. We know the decision we have to make is what to do with that time. Perhaps all of us can stand to improve in that area.
It is great having my daughter home again. Her trip to Europe was a growing experience for her and her dad. Parents may need time to grow up as much as their children. Neither is an easy experience. There is something to be said about being independent. I also know there is a fine balance between that and over dependence. Being human wouldn't be so hard if it weren't for relationships. People never seem to understand how much relationships matter in our journey. We either take them for granted or treat them with disdain. Fortunate is the person who can appreciate and cultivate them.
We will return to our normal routine this week. Trying to blog may not help anyone but me but that's fine. I want to go back to our topic of dealing with our current culture as believers. One good thing today was finding a writer who echoes my ideas on some of the topics facing us. My great concern is our stance on sin doesn't keep up with the times. Sin is still sin no matter the calendar date. But we absolutely have to find better ways of engaging our lost world. Jesus very seldom condemns or is critical of those wayward people who cross His path. He holds them accountable yet offers them a way out through grace. My opinion is we cannot just isolate our lives from those who need saving grace the most. So we will revisit that idea this week.
At least you know that I remember where this site resides. Maybe we can think through these and other issues together. That is one desire of mine for this blog. It is not about me having all of the answers but us working through the questions together. We do not have to arrive at the same conclusion. Let's at least try to expand our heart and mind in grace.
Bro. Trey
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