We are now just under 48 hours until graduation on Friday evening. I'm still behind as usual but at least there is time to catch up. Soon this will be over but my guess is I will miss it then. Summer tends to go that way.
So what do we do about praying? It seems so common to our life but many still seem uncomfortable with it. Prayer may be the most mysterious topic in our spiritual life. Bible study can be done with the right mechanics. Other habits of the spiritual life can be taught or measured. Praying just seems to be an art form we talk much about but maybe feel like we don't do it so well. Then there are my charismatic friends who relate to me about their special prayer language. More than a few in the past hinted that real praying does not take place without that. Was the act of praying meant to be so technical or complicated? I think not.
My best advice is to approach prayer as you do any relationship. Communication is huge in any growing friendship or marriage. Tons of books exist on how we can open up more to friends, spouses, or children. Experience tells me that there is usually some kernel of helpful reality within all of those pages. It also says to me that you just have to talk to one another with or without outside help. Those of us who are shy or introverted by nature are going to struggle no matter what the latest book suggests. Those who are open or gregarious by nature will still tend to say too much. But never forget that praying is a two way street. We do talk to God but we can expect Him to also talk to us. Going past our wants or needs with our praying will make a huge difference in how we feel about it.
Jesus will respond to the disciples request for help in their praying in an odd fashion. He doesn't start with an outline for a notebook. What you see is His emphasis on God as our father. The entire statement on "The Lord's Prayer" is not terribly long but its application can last forever. We discover that God knows our needs far beyond our wants. Jesus makes it a point to remind us that God is the one who provides for us. Those truly intrigued disciples will find out that praying starts with God long before it gets to us. They learn that knowing Him is the heart of praying. Prayer languages or carefully detailed outlines matter far less than our heart when we come to Him.
Don't think of your praying as something that needs approval. Worry less about getting the words right than you do just absorbing God into your being. Jesus spent countless hours praying as He moved through life. A broken heart is as much a mark of true prayer as is being overjoyed in His presence. Spend much time simply reflecting on the words in that prayer of Jesus. You will begin to know God as He really is. Then the issue will not be how you pray as much as how can you not pray. God sends Jesus to reclaim us as His own. Just remember that you are one of those who do know God as father. He is big enough to handle anything in your life and interested in those small details. Avoid playing mind games over what you should or should not say, do or be when praying. You are who you are. God can correct any mistakes without the self abuse of guilt over any failure. That will go a long way in making prayer less of a chore and more of a joy.
Bro. Trey
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