
Thursday, August 12, 2010

My best ideas for blogging usually come while in the truck running errands. I can imagine a number of somewhat clever ideas to write about. There is the obligatory promise to myself for me to remember these ideas. All of that goes out the window when it is actually time to sit down and write. My once creative mind becomes a blank wall. Most of my time is spent sitting at the keyboard trying to remember what was so great about my earlier plan. Real writers probably do not deal with this very often. That is why they are professional writers regardless of their topic. I truly do not see myself as anything close to being a real writer. The best of my hopes is that there will not be a big need to use the spell check icon here.

Obviously there are far bigger problems than this going on in my world. Trying to live with an incurable disease does tend to put life in perspective. At some point the odds are good for a cure for what I have. It very well could be that my cat scan next week shows my illness giving up to the treatment. That is something to be turned over to God whether or not that is the result. Just having an illness does not excuse you from the normal ups and downs in life. No one is coming along to take care of all my financial obligations. I would take that offer up real fast. I still have a son who lives daily with autism. You cannot leave out the work related issues seeing as retirement for me is a word on a commercial. My list could go on beyond this just like yours. If we share one thing as human beings it is this tendency to live in a less than perfect world.

People who are followers of Jesus are not immune from such issues. There are those who tend to use denial as a tool to keep problems at arms length. These are the people who use all manner of religious language so we can know of their blessing. Perhaps we can see the difference between what is said and what is real but that does not stop them. Others tend to drag out their difficulties long past the expiration date. People like this often wear their situations as a badge of honor. We are to see how gallantly they suffer while bearing their burdens. Count me as one person who would rather avoid either extreme. Sure it gets hard to carry on during this time of treatment. There has to be a better way of living than denial or dragging out problems God desires to handle.

When it comes to the things beyond your control just admit your helplessness. Admitting that is hard for a human being. We like being able to handle our life. Sometimes a problem comes along that you cannot control. What you can take charge of is your response to God in the midst of the crisis. There is little to nothing I can do to make my hair grow back until treatment ends. My focus absolutely has to remain fixed on something more eternal than my appearance. When it comes to people who cause you fits then I suggest a balanced approach. Learn this very important lesson. You cannot ever make anyone be different that what they are. Think about it for a moment. Do you really want to manipulate others or do you desire God's will for their life? You can talk to these problem people so you can open their heart to God. You can adjust the weaknesses in your personality to eliminate any excuse another person gives for bad behavior. You can pray with a greater fervor than ever for their heart to be open to God. In the end, you will find the decision to stop being a problem person is theirs alone.

God never promises freedom from problems. Trust me, if He made such a statement I would surely be claiming that fact. He does offer His resources to assist us in moving past troubles into a greater awareness of His presence. The greatest of these resources is God Himself. Look to Him first above any other temptation you feel. Stand boldly on His word as the point of praying for difficulties. Refuse to allow trouble or its side effects to make you less than God desires. God has a much better and a far more eternal purpose than to just saddle you with suffering. He is making you into someone who reflects His character even when life just rubs you the wrong way. I just hope that reflecting that character will mean great hair before too long.

Bro. Trey