
Monday, August 23, 2010

We finally are past the halfway point with chemo treatments. Round four took about seven hours from start to finish. Maybe it was less time than that but it sure felt like a full day. It never ceases to amaze me just how tired a person can get just sitting for that duration. For the first time of my therapy there were two short naps during the process. They changed up how they deliver the benadryl into my system so that did make a difference. I noticed more patients today who are obviously having a much bigger battle than my journey. Some day that could be me. That is a big reason for me not to gloat or celebrate too much. I am going to pray we do not return to this disease anytime soon. Like we said, no one can tell you how long any remission with lymphoma will last. Be sure that it will be enjoyed however long it lasts.

My curiosity was stirred while wondering how this round of treatment will go. We started this path with a very real disease actively affecting my body. Now that disease is no longer showing any signs of being there. No doubt that there are still lymphoma cells in my system somewhere. I do not yet understand all the science behind the illness or its treatment. Research says that those sick cells either go dormant or are killed off with the medicine. If there are less of those cells for the chemo to treat will that change how my body reacts over the next week or so? In other words, will it take out more of the healthy cells than it did before? Guess we will all find out together.

We all have things in our lives that are constants. They are just going to be part of our life regardless of age or circumstance. Some people have great family relationships with reunions and the like. For some it may be leisure activities like golf or outdoors stuff. There are even a few people still alive whose world revolves around the church. Each of these things become non negotiables for people. One of those for me will always be staying in touch with the oncology clinic whether for tests or perhaps years down the road another round of treatment. I guess my mind is finally accepting that fact. Even if this remission lasts more than a decade my regular pattern of life will still intersect with a clinic.

Baseball is one of many things that draws my daughter and I together. We watched an exciting game by our team. They almost made history but fell short. But they did win the game. My son and I just hit the roads when running errands. This brings a level of stress with him but to me it is worth it. All of us have constants in our life but do we have ones that make a positive difference? Constants should draw people together in good ways. It goes without saying that for the believer they should take on the quality of the eternal. Even if those times are difficult we can open up to God for His presence. It's when they take us away from God that they become a real problem. Maybe it is good to inventory the where and why of your world. See if your motive lies more in escape from stuff than to encounter with God. Be sure these things can bring you closer with others in a positive fashion. Let God into your activities. You may not get a lower golf score or catch more fish but you will be eternally better for it.

Bro. Trey