
Monday, February 14, 2011

Today was my first day to return to running on the school track. Just remember that we use the word running to mean a jog or trot. No one will ever mistake what I do as anything remotely close to those who can truly run. My legs are far too short to do much more than jog or trot. But it was still a good feeling to be back out in the sunshine. The weather was just too nice to stay inside peddling on machines. One can only hope the warmer temperatures remain for awhile even if it leads into the summer heat. Machines are a great help when the weather does not cooperate but it still seems artificial. Even if my athletic skill is lacking it still feels like a better workout when outside going round and round. The next question is how this old body will respond tomorrow. Just let me work up to moving at full speed and all should be well.

My daughter was accepted into the residential college on her upcoming college campus. I am once again a very proud dad. We refer to this school as "Hogwarts" from the Harry Potter books/movies. It is no typical dorm but more like a community within the school. Lots of demands are made of the students who reside there. Her dad only hopes that her expectations will be met and more as she goes through her education. My opinion is that parents should want more for their children than perhaps they received through life. Maybe this is wrong but it is my view. Part of raising kids seems to include helping them reach beyond their potential. This is my prayer since even before I became a father. Age only adds intensity to that desire.

We will continue looking at Isaiah this week. Very few prophets offer as much hope for renewal as this man. God speaks even in the worst of times to offer His very best. We just need to be sure that our heart is open to that blessing. One thing that will shut off God's best is when we fail to view our present condition through His eyes. I am convinced that far too people do not mind the idea of God but neither do they sense any need of Him. People are content to live civil if not moral lives without a grasp of the eternal. Isaiah says that these are people whose words speak of God but whose hearts are far from Him. You do not need to be absent from church stuff to be distant in this manner. We might be surprised how many are faithful attenders yet fail to open up to Him. We cannot do much without a healthy physical heart. Neither can we reach past where we are with a heart disconnected from Him.

Bro. Trey