
Thursday, February 10, 2011

You would think that by Thursday night my work for Sunday would be further along. Let me go ahead and confess to struggling with the direction for sermon material. This does not mean all is lost with my efforts. One passage is challenging me in trying to focus on an idea. Times like this can really be almost fun. You know there is something in scripture to be said if you work long enough to locate it. Reminds me of reading a mystery novel in many ways. The clues are there in the book if you can just grab hold. We will know later tonight if this mystery gets solved. I know the answer is there but now my mind needs to find it.

I didn't have to judge the debate competition today. My thought is that's a very good thing for the students. We try to use our building for the community whenever possible. Baptists tend to view the building as a sacred monument. This is probably true in some regards as it is the place where we do church. But is it possible we place too much emphasis on where we gather more than what we do? Churches spring up even in the most harsh countries where no building is possible. People gather in homes or other sites to carry on the work of the Kingdom. A church structure is something to care about but not to drive our ministry. Even our Lord went far outside the confines of the usual gathering places to meet people where they live. I look forward to the next academic competition here in March.

The weekend approaches yet again. This is the first one in several months without football. Cowboys fans pretty much did without the sport for most of the year. Spring is soon to arrive no matter how cold is the weather. We will adjust once more to new patterns of living. We will work in our yard. Some will take their spring break trips. Heavy coats will hang out of sight in closets. Easter also comes very late this year. We go almost straight from that holiday into the ones which fill up in May. One can only hope we are ready for celebrating this miracle called the resurrection. Here is where God fills our hearts and minds in ways no building can contain. We are granted an eternal anchor for our faith. Hope is not for a better idea of for a better day. Hope is what God displays at Easter. So let us daily rejoice and be glad.

Bro. Trey