Even believers in Jesus can have yukky days. We receive no exception to the possibility of a less than perfect time. My day was basically good but it is taking forever with this chest cold. Odds are that it started with outside mowing and the like since dust is the main ingredient of my grass. I also did a clean sweep of the garage with a few months worth of stuff in a pile. I also think that air conditioning does me no favors since my tasks take me both inside and outside. Anyway, the whole point of this is how feeling a little under the weather affects a whole day. Doesn't seem like there was any colds or sinus stuff since going through chemotherapy. Maybe the present condition is a statement on being as normal as possible.
It is drawing close to my next adventure which is followed by graduation. My services were drafted to travel with my son's Lifeskills class to San Antonio. We should have a great time seeing the sights along the way. I will drive down in my own vehicle in order to return earlier on Thursday than the rest of his class. Being here for graduation early should help with last minute preparations. Part of the next few days will be spent reading then editing my daughter's speech for the big night. Let me say that she has a very good grasp on her topic at hand. Now it is my turn to see if any corrections are needed in order to improve the words. Here is yet another reason why my college major should be English.
We again watched news reports tonight about the tornadoes throughout the Midwest. It really is amazing how many people interviewed mention God in their comments. They are very sincere in the gratitude to God for keeping them alive. Just know you would find me saying the same thing after such a catastrophe. Here is one of the odd outcomes of tragedy. People do tend to turn their mind to things of a divine nature. I know that some will choose bitterness in their seeking but some will be content with His grace. More than a few people who survived the storm mentioned their praying as the violence flew around them. God was always around but maybe life was easier to manage before the carnage. Broadcasters are left dealing with the words of those still in need concerning faith in God. This leads us back to judgement. We need to be sure what such action is really all about. Viewing these horrible events as a way to get the bad guys is not enough. We must also ask if we are worth such a test.
God's people are always asked to get their house in order prior to those who do not know Him. This thought is still gnawing at me even now. Why do God's people face judgement? What are we to do if we are in such a place? Where does such a time take us with divine direction? We may write more on this tomorrow. The ideas are still taking shape in my brain. You can check back tomorrow to see if that brain makes any progress.
Bro. Trey
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