Yesterday was my day to check on a few of our folks. There are a few who are on a regular cycle of me stopping in to visit with them. My drive took me out to visit with three gentleman in various levels of poor health. No one can ever make contact with them as much as you wish. No doubt my efforts fall short but they still get my attention whenever possible. One reason for my stopping by is to collect more of them to plant in my life. People matter. They matter more than anything else we do as a congregation. God cares greatly about them so we just follow His lead.
One writer once said his vocation was collecting people. He did write wonderful articles on high profile individuals but his view was more than that. Part of his perspective is he collected their stories. Doing this meant he also acquired people along the way. Those subjects were more than a means to an end but were important to him. This is a writer saying that. Shouldn't people then be even more valued to those of us who follow Jesus? He went about those days of ministry doing much the same thing. Watch how Jesus interacts with even the outcast to raise their life to new levels. Even during His last few breaths we notice Jesus taking in a fellow member in crucifixion. His vision never wavered about the eternal value of people.
I could tell tons of stories of people who crossed my path over the years. Some might even have names a few might recognize. Others would be those part of my personal journey. There are men and women who contribute to my ongoing process of becoming. Acts of kindness are always remembered no matter how small they seem. Some taught me about ministry in how they went about their duties. Others gave lessons on just being human by the people they were. There are indeed a few who teach you by not being people you wish to be. Knowing how to learn from them is also crucial. Part of the struggle is not letting them define you since they may not even begin to care. Just be sure people will always be a large part of the equation of being a fully developed follower of Jesus.
Nothing can ever replace relationships. God uses them in ways large and small. Try going for a few days staying open to those who cross your path. Some may be regular visitors to your world. Others may be pleasant surprises. Collect people as God sends them while you expand your life to new horizons. It can happen.
Bro. Trey
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