Nothing like allergies that turns into sinus infection to ruin a perfectly good week. Tuesday was my day for mowing and by Wednesday night it was a mild victory to be able to breathe. I won't complain other than to say my memory of feeling that way didn't quite match current reality. One good thing about the chemo and steroid combination is how it keeps the system pretty healthy afterwards. Today was fairly decent since my usual afternoon exercise routine was completed. Summer colds do truly seem to be the worst of all illnesses. Let's hope we are on the healthy side of the process now.
Holidays can wreck havoc on the average Sunday schedules. The first break of the summer season appeals to most people to go away. My small town and congregation are no different. I am still grateful for a good worship experience this morning. The sermon was a bit broad in scope but most seemed to follow along. We returned to that idea of judgement as it is revealed in scripture. This means we covered a lot of ground but did reach our main points. We do tend to forget that judgement is not just for the bad guys in the world. Biblical judgement resides first in the accountability of God's people with the faith. Too much time is spent pointing fingers at lost people who are simply doing what comes naturally to them. Our call is to fall in line with the grace of God offered to us each day. It is us who are God's people who can humble ourselves and pray for renewal. Not much time is left for fixing the blame when we realize our need of also being fixed.
One of the blessings and drawbacks of a place like mine is how involved we become with people around us. You may not find this in larger cities as you can here. Members of our church suffered a tragic loss Saturday morning up in Arkansas. This one death affects a large group of our membership which includes my daughter. The gentleman who was killed often attended here while visiting relatives. He is an uncle to the best friend of my daughter. Ten years is a long time to remain in one place. You can have people who depart under unpleasant circumstances. But you also live with an unusual closeness to those who remain. Terrible moments with others can also take the breath out of your life. The heart hurts for all who are walking in the shadow of death this weekend. It is a vivid reminder of how fragile life can be. Every day matters.
This week begins with a trip to San Antonio and ends in graduation. I will go with my youngest on his class trip beginning Tuesday morning. My hope is to report in somewhere along the way while gone. About eight special needs children of various ages will be traveling along with school teachers, parents and other guardians. A good time is surely to be had by all. I hope to return Thursday afternoon with enough time to help with last minute preparations for the big day. Praying will not be optional this week. Surviving will require serious dependence on God. This is not a bad place to be at any time. Such behavior makes life good no matter the ups or downs. Maybe we can all learn more of this lesson with our unique challenges.
Bro. Trey
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