Monday arrives with a windchill expected to be about 110 today in Minnesota. I say that so anyone down south who reads the blog will have great sympathy for us. Most air conditioners up here just are not made to handle the temperatures. There is hope for us before we leave with some cooler weather on the way. Remind me the next time that I plan to get away to be sure it is somewhere with a guaranteed cooldown.
Yesterday was Lutheran church day. They do enjoy their Norweigan hymns that we don't know. It was still a good day in spite of having to translate the songs into Baptist terminology. We ended the day in an old theatre here in town watching The DaVinci Code. There were no concession stands at the movie. We bought popcorn from a free standing machine with our drinks coming from a coke machine. Time warps do exist here in the North.
Emily and I are off today to the Mall of America. Should you not know what that is, it is the largest mall in the U. S. A. What that means to me is there are many more stores for a teenage girl to find stuff. The rest of the day will be spent trying to find other ways to get out of the heat.
Going away to different places is a good thing. You can get a new appreciation for the routines of daily life. Not everyone lives the way we do. Not everyone worships the way we do. Too often we are trapped in a cycle of sameness. No wonder we get nudged from our ruts by God. Now if I can just get nudged where its not so hot!
Bro. Trey