
Monday, December 26, 2011

Ever notice how a rainy day may be acceptable on Christmas but it lacks something any other time?  The weather was well onto the dreary side today.  Rain, cold and just the general yuck stuck around.  It didn't seem to curb the enthusiasm on Christmas day but it was far less attractive today.  Luckily there was no traveling to be done so indoors was the best option.  Presents are slowly being put in their place for use.  I was able to do a few housekeeping chores.  Me and my youngest will probably head out tomorrow to start using various gift cards.  That should go well but you never know.  One can hope the crowds in the stores will all be back to work. 

My son provided most of the entertainment during the opening of presents.  We did that on Saturday night since my schedule called for work the next day.  He was the one to organize the packages into stacks for each of us.  At least he waited until the evening which called for a lot of patience for him.  Once the gifts were distributed then it was his time.  He did something different this year from other times.  It appeared as if he was going through the obvious clothes boxes first.  The usual approach is to open those presents that he knows contain the big gifts of the year.  Maybe he is learning to save the best for last.  He finally reached those last three boxes which made his night.  All of this took less than seven minutes to complete.  I know because my eyes were watching the clock.  Weeks of waiting took only minutes to unveil.  We all just sat back to observe his attack.  Safety means not getting in his way.

We do tend to hurry through the holidays.  I wrote enough about that to just leave it there.  But just remember that what we celebrate is for more than one day.  Our purpose is to discover what God does in Jesus for everyday of every year.  He is as real in January as December 25.  God's presence can reach us in the summer just as it did to the shepherds in the birth story.  Peace and grace are part of our daily resource as we journey in life.  You can read of Mary pondering all that she heard and saw in Luke 2.  That is how we make the meaning of the holiday last.  Learn to reflect daily on who God wants to be to us.  Find what God has in store for each day.  Stop long enough to listen for His voice.  Joy is not meant to be occasional.  It can guide your heart each day you let Jesus break into your world.  It may not always be Christmas but it can always be a day where you find God drawing close.  Surely that is worth celebrating?

Bro. Trey

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011 is just about behind us now.  One can hope that it truly was merry and bright for more than felt it's uneasiness.  Things turned out well at my house.  Hectic is a good word to describe the last few days.  We may actually eat our way through most of the groceries we bought.  Having different parts of the family stop by sure helps put a dent into the refrigerator.  Our lights tend to stay up for another week.  We will see if they come down next Saturday.  My youngest will probably be ready to put up the Valentine's decorations.  He is rather insistent on being current with the upcoming holiday.  What he fails to realize is just how much Christmas stuff there will be to put away.  Undoing all of the holiday display is a job that takes a full day or more.  I admit to feeling a tad melancholy during the process.

We did have church this morning.  I do not want to sound like one casting blame on those who did not attend.  My irritation at this passed along with my youth.  A few brave souls did show up to spend a few minutes together.  Being weird is part of my personality to be sure.  It just seems to me that even a short time in worship is appropriate on Christmas.  This seems doubly true when it falls on a Sunday.  Carols were sung, words were spoken, prayers were offered in our gathering.  Maybe one or two people would make time during the day to reflect on that manger scene.  My genuine hope is that God was pleased through our efforts.

I did something unusual for me during the service.  Normally, my scripture readings come from a contemporary translation.  A more traditional version is used when it fits the moment better.  But it felt right today to read from the old King James Version.  It was good enough for Linus to quote so it was my decision to read from that old text.  My mind sometimes has a hard time with the old language.  Good thing that the story of Jesus' birth reads clear without much need to translate.  It's not that I have something against that beloved version.  God only knows where we would be if it never existed.  But my mind thinks less in Old English and far more in the tongue of today.  Just be sure that I truly enjoyed reaching back for my Bible in King James English.  You can imagine that is not the point of this story.

I knew there were some Bibles of mine tucked away from that translation.  What I opted to do is to use my oldest one in my collection.  Turns out it was a gift to me in the year 1965.  My grandparents inscribed it to me on Christmas day of that year.  My mind does not recall the actual moment of receiving that present.  Yet here we are 46 years later and it turns out to be still hidden away for safe keeping.  So not only did I read the first Christmas story in the language of Linus but it came from a treasured heirloom.  Let me also admit to a few bittersweet moments over the last 24 hours or so.  Probably no one thought on that day so many years ago that the Bible would even be still in my possession.  Surely no one could imagine it being used on another Christmas day so many years later.  It was.  I may have to use it again before long.  How amazing that something so old can feel like new again.  That's a nice feeling at the end of this wonderful day. 

Bro. Trey

Friday, December 23, 2011

It is as the song says, Christmas time is here.  Just go for a tour of any major shopping area should you doubt that.  My local area looked more like a very large bumper car game today.  It's my good fortune that the trip was just a last minute check before all of the festivities.  All of the groceries are in their place awaiting the next meal.  Gifts are wrapped even though my youngest tends to sneak a peek through the wrapping paper.  His impatience grows while wondering where his presents may be hidden.  Dad reminded him that he tends to start a bit early on the opening of packages.  Tomorrow he will find all of his stuff tucked away beneath the tree.  He will still probably try to see what it is but we got this far at least.

Charlie Brown struggled with all of this holiday preparation years ago.  His world was not far different than ours.  Searching for an answer proved to be a time consuming event.  Nothing seemed to answer his desire for something deeper during the season.  I don't know if you understand that feeling.  Emptiness is part of the risk of this holiday.  Christmas can bring out the worst in us without warning.  We may listen to the music all the while fuming about the lack of a parking space.  You rush into the store with a warm heart only to have a cold salesperson threaten to take it from you.  Even your home can lose its safe haven idea if people come by who may not be high on your wish list.  I probably said it too much the last few weeks but just be sure that Christmas can be hazardous to your health.

Linus reminds us that Christmas is both eternal and cosmic.  God steps into our world in that manger long ago.  Shepherds would hear the very first announcement of the birth.  You may not know that shepherds were a long way down on the social status ladder.  They were outcasts in many respects.  A shepherd could not even go into the temple for worship because of their job.  Most people viewed them as unclean reprobates with no present or future.  This makes the angelic appearance even more amazing.  God's great gift at Christmas was good tidings for the shepherds also.  Jesus would not be beyond their reach.  God comes to embrace even the lowliest of people. 

Remember that all of this activity is to celebrate Him.  We give presents as an expression of God giving us the very best gift ever.  Even the worst parts of the season can serve as a reminder of just how much we do need Jesus.  Lapses of attitudes or actions point us back to our need for the peace angels promised.  My hope is that we see through all the preparation to the heart of the holiday.  Let's be more like shepherds who hear what God is saying.  Don't be so overwhelmed that you leave no room for Jesus this weekend much less at any other time.

Bro. Trey

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is to be a holiday of togetherness and rejoicing.  Mine is turning out to be more tiring than anything else.  It's my job to keep the house together before any relatives begin to arrive.  Who knew that using a mop could be a religious experience?  Our new addition of a puppy does not make life easier that way.  She seems intent on leaving her mark around the house when inside.  The good news is our floors are cleaner than ever.  The bad news is cleaning will be a constant.  Tomorrow is the last big trip to buy groceries.  There is little doubt that we will have more than enough to eat.  My son and I made one trip on Monday that resulted in a full cart.  Odds are good that tomorrow will see the same sight upon leaving the store.

No one came to church this evening.  I was not surprised at all by this.  Nor should you read any disappointment in that statement.  People get very busy these last few days before Christmas.  There are two types of houses in our area tonight.  The first house is empty as everyone is on the road to celebrate the big day.  The other house is buzzing with last minute preparations.  I took some time to go through my desk to find out what may be hidden there.  Imagine my reaction upon finding quite a few cards to me collected over the last year or so.  Many of them were sent to me during my illness and treatment.  Some of the cards went further back to many years gone by.  A few arrived immediately following a funeral or other crisis.  Some came out of the blue for whatever reason.  Going back to read the thoughts of others can be sobering.  You can only hope that your efforts truly matched the sentiments written.  There is also a sense of being grateful for God's goodness in the worst of experiences. 

Dwelling on the past is a dangerous habit.  We easily become blinded to both the present and the future around us.  There are other occasions when looking backward sheds some light on what really matters.  People matter in the long run.  Relationships make all of the difference in the world.  Better to be shaped by others than locked into an occupation.  Part of the holidays is about the key role our relations play in making us who we become.  Jobs and other peripheral issues can limit our growth as human beings.  We can become the sum total of what we do.  Someone once wrote that God doesn't make human doings but human beings.  Never forget that small comment.  Refuse to be forced into a life without divine purpose.  Know that God's will changes who you are first and then affects what you do.  The peace of this season includes God being active in shaping our character.  Discover this gift so you can enjoy everything else God does in you and through you.

Bro. Trey

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Welcome to our Sunday night ritual of doing a rewind on the weekend.  I really try to be original at least by accident but it is tough after a full day at church.  My brain gets tired with so much going on around me.  Age seems to catch up with me far faster than past years.  Adding music leading to my list of duties is no help in any of this.  I will admit that it is enjoyable to lead the hymn singing.  My talents may not include music but it can remain hidden when everyone else sings with me.  Working our basketball tournament provided help in my being weary.  I ran the clock during four games on Saturday.  You may remember me saying that you have to concentrate on every second of the contest.  Not only does your finger hurt a little but it drains energy from your mind and body.  Part of the reward is just the fun of being in a different setting with other friends.  Just be sure that I am looking forward to resting tonight.

We celebrated the season once again today in church.  Last week it was our children who presented their musical.  Today we heard from our adults as they led in worship.  Christmas musicals are part of a lifelong heritage in my memory.  Some of my earliest memories include my dad doing the narration for one program or another.  My mother would either be playing or singing in the choir.  You knew it was Christmas when you heard a John Peterson composition.  We also enjoyed our annual Carols and Candlelight service.  Our kids will read the story of Jesus birth as we sing a verse or two of familiar songs in between.  Then we observe the Lord's Supper or Communion as others call it.  Usually this service happens on the last Sunday prior to Christmas.  Lights are turned down very low as we reflect on what this time of year is all about.  My hope is that people let this time speak to their hearts.  I constantly warn them of not being too busy to miss the real meaning of Christmas.

The last few days were so hectic for me that I forgot all about paying my water bill.  It was due on Thursday but it totally slipped my mind.  Even ministers need the occasional wake up call to pay attention.  Service will not be lost since City Hall is on my list of places to go tomorrow.  Staying busy can be an escape from dealing with reality.  People will fill up their schedules so they avoid facing the current conditions.  Being in a hectic pace may say we are simply overextended when it comes to our life.  Our lives get stuck on a never ending cycle with no real place to stop and evaluate why we are so busy.  It may very well be that if you even tried to cut back in one area that the rest would also come tumbling down.  Do not get me wrong.  There is nothing at all wrong with being busy.  But do not allow the calendar to dictate your existence.  Make time to recharge your heart in God's presence.  Be sure that your activities fall in line with God's purpose for your life.  I can make up paying my water bill tomorrow.  Making up for missing God's purpose will cost us far more in the end. 

Bro. Trey

Friday, December 16, 2011

This may be the first Friday night in sometime that we have time to write.  Football season ended last week so this day is now free for me.  Our state championships are being decided this weekend in Arlington.  A good piece of news to report is the team that beat us last week lost last night.  That may not sound very charitable but the fan in me roots for the other guys at times like this.  Schools and towns across our state will be celebrating for years to come should they win.  Small towns will erect signs as you enter their town to remind you of their victory.  The kids will forever be regarded in the highest of esteem for their achievement.  You really have to be a part of such a journey to fully appreciate it.

My last two days turned to basketball.  Our school holds a Christmas tournament each year with lots of teams involved.  I volunteered to run the clock in our main complex during some of the games.  My last time to do this was several years ago.  One of our coaches gave me a refresher just before my first game.  It lasted about ten seconds then he was gone.  Another friend or two helped me out tremendously to keep me from making it a fiasco.  You kinda get the hang of it after awhile but you cannot let your mind wander unless you desire to be in trouble.  I keep getting to do this during the games of a pretty big school over in Tyler.  They take the game very seriously there.  Let me just add that my nerves reach a fever pitch during those contests.  I get enough grief in my day job to add to more just trying to help out.  I am being very polite to the coach from Tyler.  Better to get ahead of any problem before it may or may not happen.

Let me admit to having an abundance of anxiety in this new hobby.  Running a clock may not seem terribly scary but it was to me.  The first cause was just learning again all of the buttons and such on the system.  My brain doesn't work anywhere close to what it did prior to chemo.  You really have to concentrate while watching the game.  My other fear was just making a mess of things for coaches, officials, and the kids playing.  They all work far too hard to have me over there not doing a good job with the time and the score.  Maybe there was one more reason for being anxious.  It is just something new for me.  Feeling confident is tough when you initiate a new habit.  The unknown can be a powerful motivation to stay in a rut.  This is true for all of us.

Fear keeps most of us from every reaching God's desire for life.  This is not a complex discovery.  It is as old as mankind.  Being afraid can be a great tool for us to remain safe from danger.  But fear can also leave us far from our divine purpose.  They say that the best approach is to just approach your fear to move past it.  Advice like this may be true much of the time.  God's people can look to the divine presence in facing fear.  Just don't think that you will not have to eventually move past those feelings that can cripple us.  It is moving past anxiety that you gain a new depth of God's help.  Remaining in the comfortable will never bring about deep spiritual maturity.  We may be content with the usual but it is probably far from God's best.

Bro. Trey

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tonight is about some odds and ends from my day.  I know that most of my writing is about that so it generally lacks much excitement.  But you can also find the unusual and the meaningful among the mundane moments of life.  Not everyone learns that lesson.  Even my days of chemo treatment carried some measure of adventure.  Looking beyond self interest is the first key in being able to do this.  To focus on only what concerns you is an unhealthy approach to being alive.  Adam and Eve learned this the hard way.  It seems that humanity still struggles with that same core failure.

Time moved at a pretty fast pace for me all day long.  I just finished now looking at a few of my Baptist blogs just out of curiosity.  I ran into a friend of mine last Friday while in Waco.  He was my doctoral supervisor more than a few years ago.  We caught up last year at a Baptist convention where he represented Baylor University in the main lobby.  Then our paths crossed on some of my trips to the campus with my daughter. It was last week when we visited during our playoff game.  Imagine my surprise tonight when I discovered he will be the new Executive Director of my state Baptist convention.  I can't decide if my request should be to put him back on my resume or offer to be an assistant in his office?  My one concern is that with all of the turmoil among my denominational tribe that my friend will be undone by others who do not wish him the same success.  My hopes and prayers are with him.

My daughter is home from Baylor for the holidays.  Her first few days are taken up with visiting her classmates from high school.  She did help me out by being home when her brother got home from school.  I got to make a mad dash to town for shopping.  There were still some items needed to be purchased.  Thank goodness every thing I sought was found.  Coming home meant more dad duty around the house and stuff.  The son needed his meal and my new dog needed some attention.  I crowded this all in before heading back to church for the dreaded church conference.  Tomorrow is the day that the daughter and I go once again into town to visit my dad.  He is down from Minnesota so we will spend a little time with him.  I could tell you more of my upcoming activities but just reading all of this is wearing me out.

One thing was very odd while shopping today.  My journey included a few stops for first one thing and then another.  There was something strangely absent as I moved along.  Very few people looked as if they were happy while they also looked for stuff.  Lots of people were out in the stores but finding anyone smiling was hard.  How do we let the holiday of peace and good will go by without feeling anything remotely close to happiness or joy?  One store register was the scene of almost a brawl between an unhappy customer and a manager.  It is true that this time of the year brings a certain amount of stress.  You do not need me to tell you that.  But it still seems to me that the presence of Jesus in our midst should and could transform our whole outlook on everything.  Life does not always include incentive to be happy.  We can agree on that.  Just do not let the stress steal the joy of the season.  Let's be better than that.

Bro. Trey

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

And now for something completely different and off the wall.  Being serious wears on me after a time.  I just spent a few minutes reading some other blogs that are quite challenging in scope.  They mostly deal with church issues which can be controversial.  Living in a small town means that most of those issues seldom are significant to the work here.  A few take on stuff that goes on within my Baptist tribe.  My sources are down to about none so that will not bother me.  Other blogs tackle church related stuff on a larger scale.  The information is great but not always relevant to what goes on here.  So we will just stick to the average run of the mill daily happenings around my world. 

The totally unusual part of this evening is in telling you of my new found devotion to the program "Doctor Who."  I do not know why this took place.  The exact date of my new discover also escapes me.  It is a British television show that runs on cable now.  Its first airing happened way back in the 1960s.  I remember the program being on public television when the budget was obviously very small.  Nothing clicked with me back then to make me watch it again.  Now there are very few things that keep me from watching especially since my television can record it.  The budget is clearly much bigger now so the show is that much better.  Science Fiction would be its genre should you look it up.  What hooks me is that it is so much more than that. 

All great literature is about the human condition regardless of its setting.  This is true from the stories of Shakespeare to any contemporary author.  You cannot care about plot or message unless you connect with the characters.  This is how my new devotion came about.  Whoever is writing the stories for the show does an amazing job developing the people portrayed.  The plots may carry that science fiction name but they are really about how human beings relate to one another.  Though the Doctor is a man of science you find him dealing with human issues constantly.  He travels through space and time with companions who join him on his adventures.  Even when traveling into alien lands and such you still find the basic plot revolves on who we are as people and our relationships.  I enjoy laughing at the conversations but also feel tugged in the heart when things get serious.  Not everyone will enjoy the program but I do very much.

Our lives are at our best when its about relationships.  God is all about relating to humanity.  This is the whole reason for Christmas.  God enters our world through this child at Bethlehem.  He tells us just how big is His desire to be involved in our life.  Even our most favorite verse in John 3:16 is a simple comment on how God feels about us.  God loves us no matter what.  His heart never needed to grow as did the heart of the Grinch.  You do not have to convince God to love you.  He just loves no matter what.  That is the simple message of Christmas.  We would do well to remember it during these days. 

Bro. Trey

Monday, December 12, 2011

Our most recent sporting craze revolves around Tim Tebow.  You know the name as he is a quarterback in the NFL with the Denver team.  He plays nothing like the traditional quarterback in any form or fashion.  That fact alone drives many in sports media absolutely crazy.  Hours and hours are spent criticizing how he throws or other aspects of his game.  The "experts" said he can never succeed as a professional.  All he is doing is leading his team toward a possible playoff game at the moment.  Anyone who spends much time listening to these people would think there is no way for him to be doing what he is indeed doing.  You also probably know that what Tebow does on the field is not the only source of criticism. 

Tebow is a very committed believer in Jesus.  His parents raised him in the faith beyond just knowing the words.  He is active in doing mission work around the world.  Even his college coach gives Tebow credit for nudging his faith along.  Most games will show Tebow praying or doing other religious stuff during the contest.  It's not something he hides from at all.  Interviews will be noted for his references to his faith as the guide for his life.  Tebow says that God may not care who wins any game but this doesn't lessen his belief.  Some people in and out of the game find all of his words or actions less than desirable.  They want nothing of God in athletic events.  Resentment is being expressed that this player is doing such a good job yet credits God for any success.  It all just makes me wonder.

You read far too much about the famous athlete or person in any public field behaving badly.  Then you will read of the critics finding fault with the behavior.  Then you find a public person with sincere faith who doesn't have any mug shots or arrest record.  Maybe we just are not happy no matter what as a society.  Tebow is surely not the only believer in the public arena.  Others avoid problems while declaring faith in large and small ways.  You really begin to wonder what is the point or reason to being a follower of Jesus.  It could be the fear or criticism that keeps most of us from going public.  We see what happens on a larger scale while wondering if it can happen to us. 

No one said being committed would ever be free from danger.  Those first believers faced real physical trials from those in authority.  Now our obstacles are more internal than fatal.  Here is one of the real problems of doing nothing with our faith.  We cannot begin to offer hope to others when our faith will not take the risk of rejection.  Convincing others to believe is really not our job.  Jesus told us that He would work on that with us as we express our faith.  Stress is not needed to be spiritual in our world.  Our faith may not be nearly as public as Tim Tebow.  Just do not think that what we can do is not as significant as him.

Bro. Trey

Sunday, December 11, 2011

There are long weekends and then there are long weekends.  This is one that is more the second than the first.  I really do not intend to sound like a whiner on Sunday nights.  Long does not mean it was bad if it's any consolation.  My travels once again took me across Texas in two directions or maybe three.  The good part is getting to see my daughter on Friday night.  She returns home from college on Tuesday so it only added to the fun.  Our local team lost but we did have a very good season.  My youngest and I returned home on Saturday.  We really have a good time when traveling.  The drawback on this journey was hearing Justin Bieber sing Christmas for about two hours.  But we arrived home even if some of my sanity was lost along the way.

Work was also on the odd side.  Baptizing people is a great thing but it leaves me running around trying to find my place.  It was one of those sermons that sound more like a chewing out than encouragement.  My preference is to be encouraging but one does not quibble with God's direction.  Maybe there were some practical ideas given since that is my goal.  Our kids sang in the night service which was great.  You know that children are high on my list of favorites.  All of the music made this service even better.  People need boatloads of patience when working with kids.  My hat is off to all of those who spend hours teaching our most valued of possessions.  They really are heroes in any church for their efforts to lead children.

Two weeks remain until the big holiday.  My greatest wish would be for all of us to find that mythical Christmas spirit in its fullness.  I fully realize that being a follower of Jesus opens the way for us to live in the Spirit constantly.  What is usually missing is that realization of God's presence in our life.  Some of the problem is the schedule during the holidays.  Part of the problem are unrealistic expectations during the next few weeks.  You can add the stress of finances to that list.  Our troubles do not go on a vacation simply because it is the holiday season.  How we understand God's great gift will play a huge role in how we respond to all of this.  Never forget that the child born to Mary grew up to become our great Lord.  He knows full well what we go through as human beings.  Now our faith is in that unlimited power of His place in the universe.  He is not a God who is aloof but is always present tense whether we know it or not.  I can only pray we discover this truth lest we allow the holiday to leave us less than celebratory.  Our hope for peace on earth will begin and end with knowing Him.  Isn't that the reason for all we do in these days?

Bro. Trey

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Some nights are good for ranting or venting.  What counts is listening to your words as you do this so you can measure the value of that behavior.  Most people just explode without the discipline of hearing what is said.  You may that your anger or frustration is far off base.  You may be able to decipher what is at the root of all of the emotion.  Anger is a dangerous force in human nature.  It can become the beginning of great movements for change.  Many of our current liberties are born of not being content with how things are at any moment.  But we also know that far too often our anger is the fire that destroys all in its path.  James will write about this in his letter to believers.  He writes that sinful anger leads to decisions which wreck both the one angry as well as those it targets.  Nothing good ever comes of that.

My mind is thinking on some of this on this cold evening.  Perhaps it would surprise you to know that even I can get angry.  Most think of me as withdrawn but be sure that such fire can erupt even from my personality.  There are times in my past when someone is hurtful toward my children that caused violent reactions that I hopefully kept controlled.  Sometimes it may be reading the news that stirs me up.  Let me admit this occurred today while reading about the shootings at Virgina Tech University.  We tend to get so focused on our little worlds that we overlook what goes on around us.  We are content to sit and complain far more than we will contribute to our society in a positive fashion.  Tomorrow will be the aftermath of finger pointing in the media over such a tragedy.  But will anyone take the time to look in the mirror? 

Church makes me angry way too often.  We can say that it is to be a blessing but it also carries the temptation of being a burden.  Don't misunderstand me on this idea.  It isn't always people as individuals that causes the emotion.  Most of the time my frustration is about attitudes or approaches to doing church.  You do realize that the assumption is I am right to be angry about stuff?  We often forget that our anger is as much about our values as it is the behavior of another person.  Here is why sinful anger is twice as wrong in its outcome.  My best suggestion is to filter your anger through scripture and God's presence.  Let the voice of God speak to you about your heart as well as other people.  Make sure you don't compound trouble by throwing your fuel on any fire.  Anger can teach you as much about your heart as it can whatever ails our world.  You may not get to fix the world but you can allow God to fix you.

Bro. Trey

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

This was my night to be the church "principal."  Our students needed an adult to hang around so I volunteered to do it.  We also have our younger kids working on Christmas music for Sunday.  It seemed a good idea to wander around to ensure the safety of the rest of us.  I really enjoyed hanging with the students.  Age is a factor for me now but it was still fun.  Sometimes you can forget that you are half a hundred instead of being young.  No amount of exercise will ever alter your birth date on the drivers license.  Being older seems to matter less to the younger children.  I do seem to be moving from a father figure to a grandfather figure though. 

One of the students taught in the main group.  He did a great job.  I listened intently to the theology as well as the meaning of his message.  Both were right on target.  They do use the computer far more than me for putting up various photographs and the like.  They tell me that it really is not that difficult to incorporate technology into messages.  My guess is they don't know how little talent I have in that area.  There was even a time to interact with the speaker.  The good news is that you could tell some were listening closely.  Others were off in their own world but it did seem like most were paying close attention.  Guess students hearing studies or adults listening to sermons really are not that much different. 

Our younger ones will sing on Sunday night.  I suggested a bit of a dress rehearsal on Sunday morning so that will be fun.  Maybe it will help them get over any anxiety from just doing it once.  Teachers of young children in church should earn a special reward in heaven.  Most of our kids are wonderful.  My day is made brighter from spending time with them.  I guess there will always be a few that God uses to keep us humble.  My only issue is how many will grow up to become adults that try our patience?  I sometimes wonder what childhood issues are at the root of difficult grown ups.  There is a question that will keep you up at night.

Churches do not always appreciate ministry to those still in school.  Kids of all shapes and sizes can be loud and messy.  Almost none of them have any clue as to how a church should operate.  I think that can be a good thing in the long run.  Most of their theology is that God loves them so much that Jesus came into our world.  They have many more questions than answers.  All this means is that their minds are not made up or closed to new growth.  Rules and regulations do not hinder their faith anywhere near to the degree that we adults tend to allow.  We may fear raw honesty but they jump in with both feet at full blast.  We should all live a faith so reckless and daring.  I am glad my job was to wander around tonight.  Sometimes my old, tired faith needs a new perspective.  Thank goodness for the young.

Bro. Trey

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Last night my blogging was complete or so I thought.  Technology can be wonderful but it can also be a huge pain.  Half of my writing was lost due to no fault of my own.  Maybe it was God's way of saying that the post was not too hot.  Chances are it was yet another display of how all of our modern tools can still fail us at times.  You know my stance on modern gadgets by now.  They can be very useful but how often do they take over our life?  I always wonder how we survived all those years without this fancy technology.  Maps are still my friend.  Everyone uses GPS now but I prefer the maps made of paper.  They do not go on the blink or reset the directions without warning.  Anyway, my original point was just to state why things went weird in last night's posting.

My goal in the last writing was to say that all of us can be examples along with being witnesses of grace.  Just be sure that verbal conversation is needed in any approach.  This does not mean our actions are irrelevant to our faith.  I know some believe that the style of dress or length of hair is primary in appearance.  One of the things the computer ate last night is that being a minister often is an obstacle to being normal.  People expect certain things from you that can compete with just trying to be God's person in any given place or time.  What this means is that the average believer may honestly have a better chance of being a witness than the paid professional.  However you are best wired by God to share His story will always succeed regardless of how it seems.

Tonight will be short yet again.  Wednesday approaches so it means finishing up stuff for Sunday.  Doing music now along with my other work makes it a bit more complicated.  I know what the topic will be coming up so the challenge is to match some music to it.  I really cannot sing well at all.  My great wish would be to have a good singing voice but it is just not to be.  But one thing is in my ability range and that is to count the music enough to lead hymns or songs.  It is always tough to balance singing all holiday songs without using our usual music.  I am not happy so far with my efforts this week so we will keep trying.  Our children will be singing so the service will be fun period.  We also get to baptize two guys so that will be even better.  Now we shall see if technology will work this evening.  One can only hope!

Bro. Trey

Monday, December 05, 2011

Now it is starting to feel more like winter around here.  If anyone complains about the cold they just need to recall summer.  My only regret about the colder weather is I have to be outside in it for a few hours on Friday evening.  Much of my time in the fall is spent in press boxes of various sizes and settings.  High School stadiums can differ dramatically from town to town.  Our kids will play at a pretty good size complex in a few days.  The film deck is outside so there will be extra clothes packed for the trip.  I always hope that if the temperatures are frigid that our team wins so it is worthwhile.  That may be a little on the selfish side but it is the truth.  We start the year in August with temperatures in the triple digit range.  We now are playing when it will drop to around freezing.  This is what happens when your teams has some success. 

I noticed some articles over the last few days about football and religion.  Tim Tebow is gaining quite a following with his efforts in Denver.  He is noted for his expressions of faith both on and off the field.  Some take exception with his declaring faith in Jesus so often.  You would be surprised at the anti-religion rhetoric by some in the media.  They want him to leave his faith at home.  Two other quarterbacks in the NFL also face how their faith plays into who they are on the field.  Both are devout followers of Jesus but do not express that quite as publicly as Tebow.  This does not make their faith any less important than anyone else but it just reflects their personality.  We really are not that much different from them in that regard. 

We are called to live out our faith daily.  Some choose to do it with grand gestures.  Others prefer a quieter approach.  The real question is whether or not we do it at all?

Bro. Trey

p.s.  This was originally longer until the computer ate it.  We will try again tomorrow.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

I don't know about you but my weekend was far from par for the course.  Change comes at us fast during the holidays.  Routines are turned upside down to be replaced by the unexpected.  Friday night was one of those wild football games that you needed to see to believe.  Our guys finally won though it came down to the last minute in many ways.  The best part was getting to see my favorite daughter for awhile.  That was enough to make all of the driving worthwhile.  Saturday included a trip to town for errands and some shopping.  Some ideas look better on paper than they turn out in real life.  My body was worn out by the time I made it home.  Shopping is no way to find the Christmas spirit.  Today went well even with the steady rain.  Perhaps we were so grateful to get a good drenching that we opted to show up for church.  I am getting tired again just reading all of that.

One church in my past had one holiday party after the other.  I was on the road to some function most nights for about two weeks.  After a few years of that it seemed wise to put a stop to it.  What was odd is how most of the same people were going to all of the parties.  It is stamped in my memory that my dread level during this time of the year went sky high.  Nothing seemed normal between the decorating and all of the outings to attend.  Confessing that my personality drifted toward a "scrooge" seems fair to admit.  No amount of Christmas music could change my outlook.  Something more drastic was needed to regain some element of inner peace. 

Churches are often talking about the need for change as they move along.  It is one of those hot topics we discuss in various meetings or other gatherings.  We tend to forget that change is easier discussed than actually put into action.  Most human beings are quite happy being comfortable with their surroundings.  Our favorite chairs look worn for a reason.  Clothes can be recognized by their wear as to whether or not they are most comfortable.  Most of us may not be guilty of unhealthy hoarding but we will hold onto stuff long after the time of usefulness passes.  Take a look on some Sunday at how worn many Bibles are yet are still important.  Some of them appear as if they will fall apart but we just cannot part with them.  All of this is to say that we just do not handle change well in our life. 

This is why Christmas can be so stressful to us.  Medical professionals state that it is a major cause of depression or other ailments to our mental health.  Turns out that we are so set in our ways that we cannot fully celebrate the arrival of Jesus.  Some face this time still absorbing the grief of loss.  Others are trying to handle the economic realities with the expectations for presents.  Just thinking about all of the stress causing issues is enough to depress us.  So how do we sing "Joy to the World" when our hearts just don't feel it? 

Somehow we have to allow the reality of Jesus to overtake whatever reality stresses us.  God wants to be as involved in our world as He was at the first Christmas.  Nothing will ever replace regular scripture reading or reflection for this to happen.  We remember that the Word became flesh to dwell among us.  Our hearts are then encouraged to move deeper in our praying.  One huge suggestion goes back to the idea of watching kids during the season.  Nothing can make a happy heart like spending time with those who still believe in the innocence of living.  Does any of this promise to change our circumstances?  There is no guarantee things will improve but there is a divine promise that our heart will be different.  Besides, that heart change can be more than enough to last us through the whole year. 

Bro. Trey

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Do we forget from year to year just how tiring Christmas can become?  Maybe it is only me that tends to forget this.  The holidays sure seem to move at a different pace than does the rest of the year.  Maybe our wishes for peace on earth should be replaced with more rest between our escapades out and about?  One of the extra pressures of this year is the success of our local school football team.  You may recall that it is my job to video the games for the coaches to review later.  They play again tomorrow evening which puts me again on the road.  Our guys are in the playoffs so one loss means the end of the season.  Maybe the main motivation for hoping we keep winning is that the final game will be played at Cowboys Stadium.  It would be fun to crawl around the upper levels to get a great view from on high.

It does occur to me that much of my next few weeks will be in the hands of teenage guys who may or may not decide to give their best.  That can be as depressing as it may be exciting.  I will just continue to make my shopping trips fit into however the schedule goes.  One good thing about traveling with my youngest during this time of the year is we get to sing Christmas songs together.  We do make quite the duet while listening to the radio.  Today was one of those days with a few errands to run so we did some singing along the way.  It does lift my spirits when we enjoy our outings.  My mind can even put aside another long drive to the game tomorrow. 

Everyone needs to find ways to enjoy these next few weeks.  There are too many underlying pressures that can stress us out if we don't.  I like to watch people when out shopping.  It does give me some hope that my weirdness is not so dreadful.  I also enjoy watching kids get all excited when they see toys and such.  The one problem with that is when the parents remind them of the need to wait until Christmas.  Expressions of happiness tend to dissolve into an abundance of tears then.  Another thing that helps me is to treat myself while getting presents for others.  Just seems to me that if you fight the crowds at the store that you deserve some type of reward.  Any attempt to be out this time of the year that does not end with a trip to the emergency room is worthy of some prize. 

It may feel like our time belongs to others during Christmas.  We may find that it is more than a feeling but a reality.  Be sure you create time to get your heart ready for the holiday.  How amazing is it that we end up being more exhausted than excited over the birth of Jesus?  Money may not be the most important thing you use over the next month.  Time may be much more valuable than anything else.  God gives us the gift of each day for it to matter.  Don't let your time become divorced from His heart.  Remaining close to God may be the very best gift you can give yourself and others. 

Bro. Trey