
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Have you ever taken a long look at a possum?  They are far from the most attractive of God's creatures.  My garage tends to be a place that is appealing to these animals.  I could not begin to tell you why it is that way.  All that I can tell you is one evening a possum came very close up to me while I was sitting in the garage for some reason.  We looked almost eye to eye for a few moments.  Maybe it thought its appearance would frighten me into going back inside.  Let me repeat my opening statement in very poor English.  Them be some ugly critters for sure.  It finally waddled away into the night after losing the staring contest.  Just the memory of that encounter still causes me to shudder.

There are lots of things that God both did and still does that are beyond my understanding.  Possums are just one example of questions that cross my mind to ask Him some day.  We tend to look at events in life from a perspective that is far from complete.  Our ability to grasp more serious divine mysteries is very limited to our experience as well as our point of view.  Believers are not immune from asking the deep questions.  It may very well be that it is our faith which causes us to search for answers when things go amiss.  Our theology says that God causes things to work together for His good so we begin to probe into the darkness that often pervades our world.  It is then we realize that asking is much easier than handling answers.  Some well meaning believers often tell me that they know we should not ask God why things happen as they do.  I cannot totally agree with that approach for myself.  God is big enough to handle our questions.  It is our ability to process His response that often is our weakness.

Our problems usually run far deeper than the physical attributes of the possum species.  What we sometimes fail to realize is just how damaged our world is by sin.  This is not to say that every difficulty we face is caused by our sin issues.  I think that pointing every finger at sin often hinders us from going deeper in our quest for faith.  You may say that God will allow trials or tragedies.  You may come from the perspective that God may even cause our troubles even through His grace.  I can live with either of those ideas.  But you can also be sure that our loving God invites us to move past the superficial cliches so we draw closer to Him.  I cannot tell you why cancer became a real issue for me last summer.  I also could not begin to explain the diverse tragedies that happen on a daily basis.  What I do know is that a possum is as much a creature of divine origin as any other of God's more attractive creations.  It does have a purpose even if that purpose escapes me.  Life is raw and often seems unfair.  There are no simple or glib answers for most of its darkness.  We can day by day continue to cast our care on Him so we fully realize His purpose.  Believers are always welcome to ask why do bad things happen to good people.  But we also must ask the follow up question of what do good people do with God in light of the bad.

Bro. Trey

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My hope is that the blog is once again in working order.  Seems that some updating needed to be done in order for it to edit correctly.  You may read but you also need to full understand that my technological ability is non existent.  Perhaps it is only one step above my mechanical prowess.  It may sound cruel but it is still true that I can tear up an anvil.  Some dads will teach their sons all about cars, lawnmowers or other stuff but that did not happen with me.  This is not something that wears on me but it is just what it is.  Not all of us are gifted to do that type of work.  All of the training in the world could not make me a mechanic.  At least there is still a spell check icon for typing.  Though my motto is that only boring people know only one way to spell a word it does seem to be important for a public blog.

My youngest turned fifteen today.  He told his class that it was the greatest birthday ever!  They went on a field trip and his teacher let him choose the menu for lunch.  Pizza was his desire as he ate nine slices while out.  Dad had some shirts waiting on him upon his arrival from school.  He went and bought himself a video game that he clearly wanted.  What my son did not know is that dad already had that game also waiting on him.  Now we have an upcoming trip to make an exchange for another game.  We closed out the birthday with him needing another shave.  Maybe I enjoy those times far too much but they mean something to me.  His sister will soon be off to college to being the next phase of her journey.  Odds are good that he will be at home for as long as possible.  My prayer is that God will allow me better health to do all that I can for as long as I can.

We forget on occasion that none of us are perfect.  Sin colors all of us to one degree or the other.  That which is not tainted by sin then is affected by our unique personality.  One of the good things about his class at school is they are all different in various ways.  It does not seem as if any of them notice too much what may be wrong with another.  They are simply who they are.  I remember waiting for my youngest to be born.  Those were exciting days knowing a son was coming home.  Memories also recall the process of discovering why he seemed different.  Dad shed his share of tears over all of this.  Sometimes still he can have those moments when grief washes over him.  But life is richer even with the characteristics of autism.  My son is spared much of the turmoil that comes into our life.  Needs are simpler for him.  He has no ego to stroke.  He knows what makes him happy without dwelling on what may be missing.  Life is good for him.  My pledge is to do all I can until my dying breath to make it that way. 

There is no way to compare my feelings for him or his sister to God's heart toward us.  But if that divine love is even remotely similar then we may underestimate just how much we are loved.  Just remember that God's heart is not dependent on the good or bad events of this life.  He settled the issue of His heart at the cross.  Life may not be fair always or anywhere close to good.  But we can be certain that the experience of the cross was no random mistake.  He commits to love us no matter how different or flawed we may be.  That is good news for any day.

Bro. Trey

Monday, March 28, 2011

Let me first apologize for the appearance of last night's writing. I have no idea why it posted up that way and no clue why it will not allow me to edit. We will see how it works this evening before sending nasty comments to whoever may be in charge of the website. I spent time last night trying to fix the presentation to no avail. It very well may be something beyond my ability to correct. Tonight will be not as long as yesterday. So we should have our answer in just a few minutes one way or the other.

I am reminded this evening of how difficult being President really is during these times. Libya has been both foe and a tentative ally over the years. At one point there were a multitude of voices calling for our country to do something about their dictator. You have to remember that the key word in that region is to have some level of stability. Now many of the same people who called for action are speaking out against the recent actions under the direction of the President. I am not naive. There are all kinds of issues with the arguments we hear from the White House on their decision. But my concern is still aimed at those who wouldn't agree with Mr. Obama if he personally found a cure for the common cold. Politics is not a world for the passive but it seems some still miss the point. Getting something done in Washington means more to most people then keeping a majority. It is one thing to disagree over principles but another to refuse to find areas of agreement. Hypocrisy is not the domain of any one political party.

All of this seems to pale in comparison in light of my town's latest tragedy. I stopped by our school campus today while running errands. Some of my time today was spent taking a look at how our students are responding to death through their Facebook pages. Some are getting it. They are grasping the greater lessons that can only be learned through loss. A few are still focusing on the incidentals of this event. I expect no less than both approaches. Adults tend to avoid dealing with ultimate issues unless absolutely necessary. Feeling invincible is not something only for the young. There is something healthy about being in touch with your mortality. You become much more humble. Daily life becomes more of a gift than a chore. Simple trust in God becomes profound rather than a cliche. One can only hope that this horrible death becomes a catalyst for real change in the lives of others. We can all use some waking up from time to time.

Bro. Trey

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I went for my occasional Sunday afternoon walk/run today. Our local high school hosted a big track meet yesterday. You could not help but notice how different the stadium appears after that event. Trash was blowing all through the stands and even on the football field. Summer weather from Saturday gave way to a much more typical March setting. The sky hung low while it displayed a grayish tone in the clouds. Birds circled the area searching for leftover food to eat. The only sounds were of those birds crying out or nearby cattle as they waited for someone to feed them. Surreal would be a good way to describe the scene as I made my way around each lap. I was alone there while hoping to work off a few pounds gained in recent meals. A siren echoed through our small town somewhere in the middle of my efforts. It would soon be replaced by an even louder siren near the end of my exercise. It was but another sound that changes our small community yet again.

My ten years of ministry here can be traced by tragedies. Some of these can be explained by the natural progression of age or disease. But the sad truth is most are labeled as accidents that wreck much more than cars. My town lost four young women early in my stay due to a horrific accident that continues to take its toll. Two years ago we once again faced a senseless act of violence beyond my human ability to understand. Today is another of those occasions when all of the air is sucked out of you by terrible news. A young woman who was a junior in our school died in a one car accident. It was her sirens that pierced my ears while working out. She is an only child to her parents. She is a friend to our students both in school and in our congregation. My heart hurts as a parent. My mind searches for answers as a minister.

I got word of the incident upon my arrival for church tonight. Our students were sharing some of their stories from the recent mission trip. Age does allow you some insight gained over the years. I knew when one of our girls slipped out that the news she received was fatal. We soon had our confirmation to this fact. My mind returned to 1978 when I learned of the death of a classmate who took his own life. It was a Sunday night much like this one. My dad called me at home where I was doing some school project. It was my lot that night to drive to the house to gather information on what was happening. I remember the sounds and the sights of those moments. Then it seemed right to go to my church to let someone know what was taking place. Our school would be shattered by this tragedy much as this school is experiencing now. It all felt strangely familiar to me this evening. Once again it would be my role to gently break the news of this most recent crisis.

There are not many rules or guidelines for these occasions. No amount of training ever prepares you for the real life moment. You mostly take a deep breath, say a fast prayer and be as gentle as can be. My daughter along with her friends would gather with classmates to mourn a student's passing. My eyes witnessed a similar outpouring years ago when word spread of not one but four girls losing their lives. Words do not come easy. Cliches give way to whispers or simply being silent. Pain is a very real thing in our human experience. I can still hear broken cries of those given awful news. I used to think that my place was to answer every question. How could my services not be needed by those blindsided by tragedy? Now I know there are times for answers but there are times no answer could make things better. Tonight is one of those occasions when silence gives way to reflection. That is good enough for now.

Bro. Trey

Saturday, March 26, 2011

There are times when my mood takes on a pensive quality. Can't say that is is quite the same as having the blues but it may be a few steps away. Things like cancer, graduation and autism crowd in what little grey matter I possess to take up residence. Sometimes you can read where believers should never have any down times in terms of emotion. Let me say that for the most part I would agree. But we still live in very human bodies which can throw off the statistics a bit. Having faith never means the denial of the real world. My personal first rule of living is that life happens. We do not always get a choice about this truth. Our decision lies in whether or not we let the harsh reality determine our makeup. You should know that time does not heal all wounds. You cannot put a calendar on pain while waiting for it to pass. Also remember that our feelings can and will affect our spiritual disciplines. Praying can become a chore when our heart is distracted by grief. Reading scripture may not create the same zest as it might in other times. Our best hope is to hold close to God even when we feel a little blue. Be reminded that He is holding tight to you in every moment of any day. Never be afraid of telling God just how you feel. It is true that He already knows this but it may do you good to be honest about it. It isn't time that will lead to an easing of your discomfort. God will involve Himself in your life to bring about a better day. It could be that some repentance is in order. You may have to admit to feeling helpless as that may lead to the humility needed to receive a fresh word from God. Be patient with yourself and others during such a time. Adding false guilt to an overloaded emotional system will do nothing but bog down the process of recovery. Grace is the key to moving past pensive moments. You may not be able to give it to yourself but be confident God is always able to give more grace than you can imagine. When you key in on that amazing grace then you will be open to every other amazing aspect of living. Of course, you can always blog those negative feelings away.

Bro. Trey

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Opening my eyes was tough this morning. It was not due to being sleepy but rather from all of the dust from mowing yesterday. Took awhile to wash out my eyes so there would be room for more pollen. We are moving past the desperation point of needing rain. Noticed that our area is already several inches behind this year. I can also report that the visit with my Dad went well today. Always good to catch up with him. Ours is one of those strange and unique relationships. Both of us are more than a bit strange which makes it unique. My third rule of life says, "It is what it is." Age does help accept that as a reality. We may look nothing alike but God knows we share the same temperament. This does not make it a good thing but it is again what it is.

Our news seems to be getting more and more dire with each day. I do not know why anyone in their right mind would wish to be President. He is first criticized for inaction in Libya for a few weeks. When he does take action, he is hammered by both sides of our political spectrum. Do not mistake me for any sort of an expert on foreign relations but it seems to me that he is making the best effort possible now. Let me add that if anyone describes themselves as a Middle East expert that you may want to take a deep breath. Authentic peace in that region just may not ever happen no matter what our nation attempts. You could even take Israel out of the equation without ever reaching any stability there. What most people never recognize is how different that culture is from ours. I spent four years of college having friends from places we would consider an enemy to our country. They were great people who I enjoyed getting to know. But their world view is so different from ours that words cannot begin to explain. This began way back in Genesis and will be true until the end of time.

All of this unrest will inevitably lead to ministers preaching sermons or writing books to detail the end of the world. Every time an unexpected outbreak of trouble in the Middle East occurs seems to bring about more doom and gloom. My journey with prophecy started as most people of my generation. We would read the works of Hal Lindsey as if they were divine truth. It took me a long time to move past an alarmist view of the end times. It is still intriguing study but no longer is there a sense of panic for me. Again, do not misunderstand me. Some to all of the recent developments lately could in fact play into the final scenario. But just be careful of reading or watching the news in order to interpret scripture. Our hope rests on something far more secure than the next news cycle. Be warned that not every new book or sermon will unlock some secret that God hid from us all these years. He reveals the truth of the end times in complex ways to be sure. But that divine return does not depend on what happens in Libya, Russia or any other country. He is right now working out that eternal purpose in our world. Let's not be so wrapped up in future speculation to the point we miss out on joining Him in the journey. Courage is required to live fully in these days. Find that motivation in Him so that nothing that pops up in the news distracts us from that great purpose.

Bro. Trey

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My neighbor mowed his yard this morning. He was riding his tractor taking care of business with his grass. This provided the inspiration for me to get out my push mower and work on mine. I miss my riding mower. Either it needs repairing or replacing. All that I know is my body is not quite in push mowing shape. Having nearly an acre to mow is no help. At least most of the yard looks some better. The real goal is to take care of leaves and such before the real grass growing time begins. My first aim will be to get out of bed tomorrow without an abundance of pain. Perhaps that should also include being able to breathe. We are in desperate need of rain. Inhaling the part of the yard underneath the grass is not much fun. Every step taken included a prayer for precipitation in the near future.

Tomorrow is a day where I will visit with my Dad. He is in the area for a day or two so it is a good chance to catch up with him. He hasn't seen me since the hair returned last fall. I am glad the head is again covered. One drawback is it does look a bit like a William Shatner hairpiece. You still will not hear me complain. Bald is not a good look for me. I am also trying to get in some sun now that spring is in full bloom. Last summer not only took away my hair but it also meant avoiding the sun. Being inside with air conditioning does feel better but I prefer some color other than pale. My complexion does lend itself to being darker without looking odd. This is probably one of those issues from my growing up years. Being somewhat tan is part of my heritage. My only benefit from an Indian ancestry is an ability to get darker. Anyway, my point was to say that tomorrow will be a day for catching up with family.

You are guessing by now that none of the above really leads to a deeply spiritual point. There is no way to even get to one from here. So let me mention my recent studies in Isaiah. Our last few messages revolved around the servant idea the prophet talks about. We read the Old Testament from a New Testament perspective. We cannot escape that reality. Whatever was in the mind of Isaiah is ultimately met in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. These prophetic words are prediction as well as an understanding of what our Savior is like. It is fascinating to me how this ideal of the servant would be met by Jesus. God works the same way all through scripture. He speaks His truth through men such as the prophets until the arrival of Jesus. This is when God displays real truth in daily life. Our confidence in our Lord is rooted in all of the promises of the Old Testament. It becomes alive through our encounter with Jesus. The gospel is not something God made up as He went along. History proves the intention of our God to bring us back to Him. We can trust Him. Romans tells us that since God gave up His son for us then we can trust Him in anything or at anytime. This is more than wishful thinking. This is our divine reality.

Bro. Trey

Monday, March 21, 2011

My hope tonight was to put down words here that are creative and insightful. Looks like neither of those adjectives will be valid. I know some writers talk about getting a mental block when it comes time to do their thing. You stare at a blank piece of paper or an empty monitor waiting for something marvelous to appear. More staring usually follows with not nearly enough words. Some of this for me is probably due to not taking on a specific task while here. This is not a sports column. It is not a political column. I am not mad at anyone so it is not a place to vent. This leaves me talking either from my heart or the top of my head. Both of these motivations are usually dangerous if not limited. Maybe it is drawing near to a time of closing down the blog. All good things must come to an end. This may not be a good thing so perhaps it outlived its usefulness.

Life really is about ongoing change with how we respond making the difference. Very few people really like things to be different no matter how much we may say we want it. Someone said once that a wet baby is the only person who really likes change. We still live with constant pressure from all sorts of things changing in our life. Our news recently is focused on revolution in countries across the sea. Time will tell if this turns out to be a good thing or not. Economics will continue to drive change especially if oil prices do not decline. There again you can see how conflict in a land far away affects us in our daily life. Aging brings about the process of change. We are continually learning new limits of our physical ability as each years adds to the ones before. We have no choice in this matter. You either adjust to new reality or wind up writing checks your body cannot pay. Life happens. Change falls into the same category.

There is a very good book about how we respond in times of change. He says our problem is not with things being different but it is with the process of getting there. We struggle as the old is undone while we are moving to the new reality. Discomfort and even depression sets in as we are trying to make sense of what is happening. Transition is when we are not completely free from the past nor are we settled in the future. Present tense living is hard as we are losing old ways of coping. This really makes sense when you think about it. This idea is true for everything in your life. Not one area of human existence is beyond such turmoil. Even an unimportant blog falls under this experience.

Can you see how spiritual maturity is also included in this problem? Some people may resist or even refuse to grow simply because it can often be uncomfortable. Isaiah speaks often of God doing new things in our life. Jesus will talk to Nicodemus about a new birth. We are described as a new creation by the apostle Paul. God promises to bring about a new heaven and earth when He brings this present history to a close. Our earthly life revolves around God assisting us to become more of what He wants us to be. If we can be courageous during the transitions then we are in line for even more divine development. It's a bit like writing a blog. You just keep going even when there seems to be no point. The more you hang in there can determine how far you get in the journey. You can never find out what blessings lie ahead if you cling to the past or even the present. Keep going so God fills in the blank spaces with His purpose.

Bro. Trey

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Summer is quickly approaching. To paraphrase Charles Dickens, "It is the best of times and the worst of times." Temperatures will reach unbearable levels with just the occasional rain shower. But on the other hand, we will be once again in the midst of baseball which makes me happy. Busy will be the key word for this summer. My daughter and her best friend are preparing to depart for their first year in college. I am trying not to think about that much. There is still one thing for me to do with my daughter prior to her leaving. Let me warn you that much of what follows is going to be controversial. Maybe you will get through reading this to catch my point.

This summer completes a journey my daughter and I began eleven years ago. We were living in New Mexico when I took her and some friends to the first Harry Potter movie. The last film is being released in a few months before she heads for college. We saw each movie when it came out in a theater somewhere. We also read the books together. This is no small feat as the last novel was over 700 pages in length. Trailers for this last story are now finding their way into the public. Odds are pretty good that it may set all kinds of records at the box office since there will be no more Potter movies. Perhaps it is good to say that we grew up together sharing these adventures as father and daughter. It will remain one of those great memories that bind us together.

I realize that not all believers are keen on Harry Potter. Not everyone understands how I can take in these stories as they are written against the background of wizardry. My only problem is with those critics who never make the time to do first hand investigation. If you read the books or watch the films at least your decision is an informed one. I realize my logic falls short in other areas of life. My point is that we made it work for us without being overcome by the tools of story telling. We talked often about the books with their sinister settings. My goal was and still is to enable my daughter to think critically while holding to her faith. Literature almost always projects ideas into setting that are not explicitly Christian. It is the discerning believer who can separate the truth as the tale unfolds. I was intrigued at how a single mother developed these stories for her children then found a publisher to print them. The author claims some level of Christian faith but her meaning may be vastly different than ours. I do know that the ultimate conclusion to Harry's story demands a loving sacrifice in order to triumph over the evil one. She uses his journey to talk to us about our faults as well as those greater ideals that propels us to heroic action. Do not think my opinion is unaware of the potential dangers for those who cannot move past the setting. Nor will you read of my advocating that every believer can or should read the novels. Every person must work out their personal faith while being careful not to go astray.

My personal view is to indeed avoid some things which have no real value. Telling my youngest today that a CD he wants has bad words in it did not go over well. This is an example of knowing where a line must be drawn. I have no need to gamble, watch bad movies and the like just for education sake. But my daughter is able to catch the greater themes within the Harry Potter story while rejecting a lifestyle of evil. Here is where parents can communicate with children on what is right and what is wrong. It never seems to me that isolating my children is a healthy way to help them think on their own. I can point out the dark portions of the story while discussing the other values such as loyalty, sacrifice and love. This is what works for us. One of my proudest things about her is she has the knowledge to operate from a Christian worldview even in the face of things not so obviously holy. We will finish our cinema bonding in a few months. Lessons were learned during open conversation between father and daughter. I do not imagine this approach works for all. But let me be clear that I am very grateful it does for us.

Bro. Trey

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break 2011 is drawing to a close. It would be nice to say that more got accomplished than actually did happen. One good thing of the week is our students going on a mission trip to Arlington, Texas. Departure was last Sunday with arrival back home taking place last night. Sounds like it was a good experience for all involved. If being weary is a measure of effectiveness then our group achieved a great deal while away. It also seems that more than a few of our students faced very unexpected challenges while away. Inner city settings do have a way of making that happen. Let us hope that every lesson learned will stick within their heart and mind.

I am always amazed at how easy being on mission can be. This does not mean any of it is simple. The difference between easy and simple is cavernous. We tend to talk a great deal about doing mission without making the next step in interacting with others. Our students did not require all of the stuff that we adults allow to clutter up our life. I don't think they even have a single committee to study or strategize a plan. Much of their efforts this past week are a result of being thrown into the mix whether ready or not. We would find this a very foreign idea as we want to know all of the possible issues before we begin anything. What you find in the Arlington mission work is how people are trying to respond to needs as quickly as they arise. No one can completely design a strategy for human beings as we usually do our own thing. Mission living is not for places far away or with elaborate schemes. Jesus would carry out His mission one person at a time. An approach like that never goes out of fashion.

God offers to work through you as He works in you. Wherever you are and wherever you go is a good place to be missional. Our mindset may need changing from being limited to plans so we can become open to those in need who cross our path. Mission is not only what we do in places far away. Don't misunderstand me here. Our men and women who are serving in places far across our globe do a wonderful job every single day. We should applaud those efforts on a daily basis. Praying should be intentional for those warriors of the faith. But also hear me say that where we live is also fertile ground for us to do mission. You begin just be remaining open to God's presence to mature your faith. Always be open to the interruptions that may come your way as they may be an invitation to act on His behalf. Let the result take care of itself while you simply be courageous with God's power. You will find that not only will this make a difference in the lives of others but you cannot help but be changed for the sake of eternity.

Bro. Trey

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You can read here that there are other blogs online related to church stuff. Some of these are as simple as this one. Some of the blogs are quite deep in their theology. You can find blogs from the professional as well as the perspective of the church member. Blogs can range from the kinda ordinary like here all the way to controversial topics of all types. Anyone can start a blog. You should recognize this just from the fact that I have one. Money usually is not required to begin writing for public consumption. All a person needs to do is sign up and start putting thoughts down for all to read. Most of the other blogs within my reading interest relate to Baptist life. There are a few that are geared toward controversy. You will be able to read the latest criticism against the SBC or even a local congregation. Sometimes it is frightening to look at these. I know my mind wanders during my stays there.

No one will ever mistake me as a minister of a super large congregation. This is fine with me despite my early dreams. Age and experience teaches me that not everyone is wired to lead those churches where thousands attend. My best guess is that no amount of salary can make up for the headaches involved. One of those headaches includes online blogs devoted to critical evaluation of a ministry. Let me say at least two things about such efforts. One, people often find it easy to tear down when they do not understand the nature of ministry. Churches of every size will face this on occasion. I will go to my grave believing that conversation can go a great distance in diffusing conflict. Two, some of the behaviors of large church ministers may be worth evaluation. My recent efforts at reading make me scratch my head at what these men do that seems so unreal. None of the pastors in the crosshairs are doing anything immoral or fattening. But it becomes clear there is a disconnect between theology and ministry.

Let me begin by saying that I know my own weaknesses. Some of that comes from people who are very helpful in reminding me when wrong. But it is also true there are still blind spots for me in terms of this career. Do not imagine in the slightest that my opinion is the only one that is valid. My view of doing leadership like this is probably different than some if not most. Being the minister does not make you infallible. My opinion on any given subject is just one of many. Some of the men who speak at our conferences or write our books seem to feel quite different. We have some of our largest congregations in my denomination who are in the midst of emotional violence due to such an idea. The pastor is not the CEO with everyone else being there to do their bidding. A minister is not one who lives by one set of rules while others have lesser lives. Reading about the hurts of the church members affected by such behavior is painful. Being a supersized congregation does not make it any more spiritual than yours or mine.

I also realize full well that some church people can act in impure motives or methods. You can find enough emotional scars within me that bear that out. But it also seems to me that a heavy handed reaction to such behavior does nothing to bring about unity. Some of the churches already used the legal system in some form or fashion to win a battle. At least three of our larger churches went through ugly and painful conflicts in the public eye. It may be that the battle for conservative faith will continue to bleed into local church relationships. Do not hear me saying that I have all of the answers. My thoughts are just my own. Maybe we will arrive someday at a point where we take serious all of scripture. We are doing pretty good at the fundamentals of the faith but it sure seems like we are failing when it comes to authentic fellowship. I always wonder if one is good without the other?

Bro. Trey

Monday, March 14, 2011

My idea bank is running low again. But since my last post is number 450 it seems a good idea to keep moving. Being prolific is nothing for me to imagine. I would be very content with quality if not quantity. We do cover a wide range of topics here. You will remember that we really picked up the pace last spring upon the diagnosis of my cancer. My goal was to offer a central place for updates on any progress that might be made. There was always the possibility that it might be a spot to talk about a lack of good news as well. Luckily we were able to write about progress with few setbacks.

News is not going through a good cycle now. That which doesn't depress us just makes us angry. No recitation of the ills in our world is really needed. On one hand, you find places where people are responding to needs created by natural catastrophe. Then you will find occasions where humanity seems determined to destroy everything around them. Neither option is particularly attractive. You do realize that much of our information comes to us with no divine filter? Journalism is based on objective reporting of facts. We who are believers must come to grips with the meaning of the moment. A divine perspective made the difference in relating my journey here. That same idea has to be front and center with all else that we learn.

Being selective in faith is never a good thing. A follower of Jesus can discover how our relationship will touch all that we are. There is an emotional element to faith as we reflect the growing character of our Lord. We have a physical expression of our life when our habits are directed by our obedience to God. Our every area of living can be rooted in trust or faith in the God who saves us. Believers are not meant to live one dimensional. There is more to being a Christian that what we do within the church walls. I realize that you already know this. We preachers develop many ways to say it. Just try to keep it in mind when you process whatever goes on around you. Leaning on God will obviously never isolate you from difficulty. Trust involves the integration of every facet of your being into His care. Life is like our recent news in that it is raw and often all too real. I can only hope you find God's presence just as real if not more so in your journey.

Bro. Trey

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeling my age is no problem tonight. We had a great trip to Austin but it was a long adventure as well. My six kids behaved very well while we were gone. Being lucky includes knowing you are in charge of wonderful young people. Our trip almost became an endurance test while we traveled all around the Austin area. It's a good thing that I decided to go to sleep early Friday night or my body might feel even more ancient. I said the other day that there is no direct or easy path from my town to the state capitol. Another problem of our route is much of it is still two lane highway. All it takes is one person with no sense of urgency to slow down the drive. This was a bigger problem on the trip down than coming back. But it can be reported that all returned home safe but perhaps a little less sound.

Our guys won one game but lost in the finals. Sadness abounded as we retreated from the arena. They played a great game Friday morning but could not duplicate the effort in the final contest. Any trip to the final four in high school basketball is an accomplishment. Our kids are great athletes who can make any game exciting. Someone said there were far more students out of class on Friday than remained behind. At least two school buses plus other charters made the trip on both days. My best guess is we had around 500 or so make the trip to support the team. I do feel for our seniors who came so close to the gold medal yesterday. They played and cheered their hearts out so we are all proud of that.

Austin is a fun city. We traveled along the famous sixth street area after Friday's game. One of my crew located a terrific Mexican food place to eat. Orders were made off the lunch menu which turned out to be huge portions of food. Mine looked like a foot long burrito. Some of the rice and beans were eaten but the main course was more than enough for me. This was also the beginning weekend of a large festival downtown. Traffic was one definite symptom of that fact. Another sign would be all of the interesting looking people we noticed there. Let's just say it was a much more diverse group in appearance than one sees here. Education happens even when just driving around. Some sights are just worth seeing.

We shall try to return to more spiritual ideas for the blog tomorrow. Perhaps my recovery will be better than it is today. Time changing this morning was no help to that process. One good thing is my body really didn't know what time it was yesterday so today was not as much of a shock. A good night of rest should do the trick. Getting back to some exercise will also be a huge help. Traveling is fun but let me confess to being a bit of a homebody. I am a better person for spending those three days with my students. The memories will last far longer than the weariness.

Bro. Trey

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Tomorrow afternoon is the departure time for the big trip to Austin. Looks like I will be driving six high school students down for the basketball game on Friday. Most of my time this week revolves around finding lodging for this adventure. Austin hotels are filled this weekend with the tournament as well as the state legislature meeting. This may be my last post for the week depending on how things play out. We will return on Friday evening should our guys fall short. Our arrival time will be Saturday night if we play in the final. At least we have places to stay while away. Our hotels are not in the city of Austin but two different towns nearby. Thank goodness for Mapquest and other online direction tools. It does make traveling easier.

Austin is one of those cities beyond my comfort zone. I can get around Houston, the DFW area and even the Panhandle fairly well. Our state capitol is one of the towns that I do not travel to very often. My first visit was over thirty years ago for Boys State. It seems that maybe there was another trip about twenty years ago for a conference. All I know is traffic is a pain there with so many people with not enough roads. Getting there is not really a problem. Maps show that you just stay on one basic road for most of the trip. Navigating the streets closer to the campus may be a bit more tricky. Packing will include several maps printed to make things easier on us. We will be safe. It is the other guy you may worry about.

Directions are important when it comes to unfamiliar places. You are usually more alert to missing road signs as you move along. Maps and other things make it easier to know where you are at any given moment. This is always the first step in knowing where you want to be. It was the great Yogi Berra who said, "If you don't know where you are going you may end up somewhere else." It does not really matter if you know whether or not you are lost. The end result is the same regardless. I can get lost yet know it right away. Some people get in that situation with no idea of what is happening. Good guidance matters in any journey.

We could write about how God guides us through life. That is a given as scripture will always point us in His direction. There is even a place here for mentioning our priorities as we experience guidance. But there is one issue that rings clear through my recent study of Isaiah. It may be possible that some believers neither seek nor especially desire guidance. How this could happen seems beyond imagination. Shouldn't one who is a follower of Jesus want to know more of the divine purpose in living? You have to admit there are far too many people who attend church even on a regular basis who appear to have no interest in what God says. I do not want our group to miss the experience of cheering their classmates during their game. My hope is they have a great time win or lose this Friday. My ultimate goal is to return them safe and sound to their homes. Ever wonder what we may miss by resisting divine direction? I do. Missing out during our journey here would truly be a tragedy. May it not happen to you.

Bro. Trey

Monday, March 07, 2011

Do you ever wonder what is wrong with our world? This is one of those questions that often keeps my mind working even though no real answer will be found. I read tonight of how police caught two suspects in the killing of a young Baptist minister in the Dallas area. Here is a murder that once again defies explanation. Robbery is the apparent motive in this tragedy. Now there is a church struggling with all of the questions we typically ask. Theirs is a grief that is not just theory but reality. Perhaps you also missed another horrific story in the aftermath of the recent Tucson shootings. An eleven year old girl was cut down in the madness of the gunman that day. Her family is connected with professional baseball on several levels. She only wanted to meet her Congresswoman that morning. One unhinged human being will probably be convicted in her death. He remains locked away while her family tries to adjust to life without her presence. We could continue to tell the stories but you can get the picture now.

The second act of sin in scripture revolves around one brother who exhibits no real value on human life. How quickly did man move from disobedience to bloodshed? Once you push aside a healthy respect for God then anything becomes possible. Physical violence is not the only problem we encounter today. Abuse takes on many forms while always being evil. Even the very young can be tortured by the verbal violence of family or friends. Emotional abuse follows along with the words we use with others in anger. Don't mistake this pain as the presence of hurtful words alone. People can be abusive by simply not saying positive or encouraging words to those around them. Loneliness can be just as painful as being attacked. Truth is that feeling alone can have the same effect even if it takes longer to realize.

I sometimes wonder how much the first and second issue of sin can be traced to not sharing God's value on human life. We tend to define people by whether or not they are "pro life" when it comes to abortion. Do not misunderstand me. I do fully believe that life begins at conception. Unborn children should not be victims of self inflicted behavior. But it just seems there could be more to being pro life than our views on pregnancy. God values all human life as having great worth. We matter much to Him. If we are going to be serious followers of Jesus then others should also matter to us. This means being a divine agent to all people who may cross our path. How do you view individuals who wait on your table or take your money at a convenience store? They matter as much to God as you. Even that person who drives you up the proverbial walls has significance to God. Truly being pro life has to include being a conduit for God's life to anyone in your life. You begin by knowing how much God cares for you even with the faults, warts, and sin of life. Only then will you be able to offer that grace to others.

Bro. Trey

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Every day has its own set of twists and turns. Not even my suspense novels can always measure up to how a day develops. But it is part of the mystery of being alive. Our local high school basketball team won their regional tournament yesterday. This means a trip to Austin for the final state tournament. Today this means that my weekend will probably include a trip to that city with a group of high school students. Tonight it means a great deal of time doing searches for hotel rooms in the area. So far, I have one place for us to stay on Thursday night. It also says my search is not finished because a win on Friday morning leads to the final game on Saturday. Between this event and out state legislature being in session it also means that rooms are few and far between. I will need every bit of my detective skills to be sure we have places to stay should our team be victorious.

I enjoy basketball even if it is not my first favorite sport. Anyone who reads here often knows my initial choice is baseball. College football would be my next favorite sport. The interesting part of all of this is just getting time with a great group of kids on a road trip. Our seniors are beginning to realize that time is drawing near. It is their intent to take in every experience possible prior to graduation. You would need to know that these are great kids. We enjoy nothing more than when they pile into the house for whatever reason. They descended on the house Friday afternoon before going to the regional tournament. I looked out the window to see guys and gals piling out of cars since we are the central meeting point. Turns out most just changed clothes before getting into another vehicle for the trip. Living with high school seniors never ceases to be a roller coaster ride.

So the search for a hotel will continue. After all, can you do too much for your kids? I know there are limits but don't we sign up for this when we become a parent? My view is always to at least try the impossible simply because I am a dad. This is why my schedule includes time with my son on most Saturdays. Just the outings with him is a laboratory for life. Driving a group of students to Austin is not a difficult thing to do. My time is limited with my oldest preparing for college. I try not to think about this often. My world will change drastically whether it is a good thing or not. Seems like only yesterday my job included changing diapers. Time moves fast even if you don't join the journey. My vote is grabbing hold and hanging on for the duration.

Looks like tomorrow will another day for hotel searches. Just pray that all works out. I do not want to let anyone down. Neither do I wish to miss these moments that are way too few and far between.

Bro. Trey

Friday, March 04, 2011

Who knew that Pop Tarts could spoil in such a short time? Seems to me that all of the additives should preserve them until the Second Coming. I was lucky enough to take a bite of one before realizing just how completely nasty it was. Chocolate cakes should not have red icing where it was once brown. Most of it was thrown out but not before some of it started the journey into my stomach. Most of today was spent with digestive disagreements that were not to hard to swallow. All remaining Pop Tarts are awaiting deposit into the dumpster. Supper hasn't been so good since my last chemo treatment. This is moving toward the too much information area but it does make for a catchy opening.

The house was invaded this afternoon during my woozy period by high school students on their way to a basketball game. Our guys team from school plays for the regional title tomorrow afternoon. My daughter and her friends went down today to watch them win the semi final. Most invasions are unannounced by definition. Theirs was no exception. One sign was two young men wearing green shirts approaching the front door. Following this was a gathering of vehicles of differing shapes and sizes. Soon there would be six visitors to the abode. Four of the students are female leaving the other two as male. One was Hispanic while another is African American. Here is what pleases me the most about all of this. I applaud any group of young adults who are inclusive in their relationships. Reports are that a good time was had by all. I am very proud of all of these kids in their friendships. Our world could be a better place if we learned from them.

I wrote once before here of my breaking color barriers in one North Louisiana town. It was not my intention but it was just part of who I am. One of the great pleasures of going to school reunions is seeing old friends of all types again. My black friends mean as much to me as any Anglo ones. My hope is that my daughter along with her friends can always remain inclusive along ethnic lines much less any others. Being a mature adult means the ability to look past differences to appreciate the gifts of other people. It is one of the great qualities modeled by Jesus.

It is true that racism or other conflict is not unique to us. So much of what we see in the Middle East is born of violence that spans the annals of time. But it is also true that those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus live with a higher calling. We teach our children the song about Jesus loving kids who are red or yellow or black or white. Our song says they are all precious in His sight. Why is it then we can turn around to call one another names or carry around hatred in our heart? If scripture means that God loves the whole world then we have no option but to do the same. No one says that this is easy. God knows it is neither easy nor shallow. But can you think of a better way to make the world a better place?

Bro. Trey

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Last night's blog was cancelled due to technical difficulties. My newly repaired computer failed to work properly. This is especially painful due to complete lack of skill when it comes to making it work better. Point and click is about my limit when it comes to using this machine. There are tons of things that most people can do with computers that are long past by ability. Technology is one of those things that some people really enjoy. People like that are speaking a foreign language to me. I am very content with my lack of knowledge in this area. My motto is if it ain't broke just give me a minute. Lots of people have the skill to repair this machine. Only a few of us can damage one in such creative methods.

What is just as painful is the fact my mind did have a decent idea for writing. I was actually going to aim for creativity in my post. One of the good things about writing consistently is you can recognize how often your words are repeated in similar ways. This is no compliment to what is said here. Much of the nearly 450 blog entries bear the familiarity of sameness. There is an opening thought which comes from daily experience. We then usually try to make a spiritual point about the event. The conclusion aims to be clever even if that isn't generally within my personality makeup. But we were going to aim for different last night. Perhaps my computer read my mind while deciding to put a stop to that. I can be a little leery of these things ever since seeing the carnage done by HAL in Space Odyssey 2001.

So it seems that we are left to mourn the momentary inspiration lost in the technological failures of yesterday. Life has a way of doing that to you. Life happens. Once you get that fact down then the rest of your journey is far easier to accept. Those of us who are believers cannot escape this truth. Maybe this is one of the reasons we also lose our spark of faith. We believe in the divine ideal but keep having to move around in the mundane parts of our existence. Our songs speak of a great day coming when God will make all things right. Yet we can wonder at all of the things going wrong in our world. We figure out that no one can really provide us with a quick fix for any of this. And soon our eagerness for the eternal becomes snuffed out with the frustrations common to all.

Just remember that even the most serious of disciples live in this present age. Also never forget that beyond all we see remains the bigness of God. He isn't interested in fixing up our life like a broken computer. Our path to maturity requires patience in His grace. It demands we become better than we are because His truth is making us into His image. This is not at all for the weak of heart. Courage is never the absence of difficulty but it always grows while we look to God who protects that eternal part of our being in the painful times. He is the real source of our spark. He is the One who offers creativity in our journey. He was in control last night when this machine did not cooperate. He is just as much in control this evening when it does. That is and always will be the good news.

Bro. Trey