There are days it seems everyone wants my attention. Having two growing children is a sure way for it to happen. I get calls all the time from people wanting my attention. Far too many of them are candidates for political office or telemarketers of some form or fashion. Now I really don't mind giving attention to my family. I truly do not mind giving attention to anyone in need. What is a problem is paying attention to recognize those times that matter.
Last night my cat wanted some attention. It is my cat indeed as she doesn't seem to care for anyone but me. So as I laid down to go to sleep she jumped on the bed. By the time she arrived, I was already set in a sleeping position. The first thing she did was try to draw blood with her claws in my back. When that failed, she walked onto the pillow to nudge my hand. After that attempt fell short she then bit my hair! It is at that point I relented by rolling onto my back so she could lay down in the middle of my chest. Needless to say I rubbed her fat self until she fell asleep. Now I was still awake with an overweight cat sprawled on top of me. She could care less since she got the attention that she so eagerly desired.
I made the comment last Sunday night that God desires our attention. He wants to dialogue with us! The same God who spun the stars in place has an interest in our everyday world. The same Creator who formed valleys wants our attention with the same care He gave creation. Scripture leaves no doubt that He is a God who communicates constantly. God went so far as to become "the Word made flesh." He will gently nudge us in our times of communion with Him. God may even jostle us in our meticulously planned agenda of the day. Sometimes He may even do something more drastic to get our attention. I do not doubt God's desire to talk with us. How are we doing at paying attention?
Bro. Trey