
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The rain ended yesterday so we are on course for another unknown amount of heat here in Texas. So far the weatherman says we may avoid the triple digit heat of before. Only in Texas can mid to upper 90s be considered normal weather. July 4 was about 105 here in my corner of the state. My dad lives in Minnesota where the high was about 75 that day. It seemed a good idea not to call him as my jealousy could become quite evident.

We are in what is a bit of a dead period now. All the early activities of June in our community are passed. High School students will return to sports, band and such the first Monday of August. The July 4 holiday is a defining moment for summer. Vacations need to be squeezed in before the kids get back to business. Still, life goes on daily. Perhaps the world seems to move slower for a few weeks yet it still marches on.

So we continue to take a look at eschatology in our morning sermons each week. My approach is to sketch out a broad outline of what to say then let it develop week by week. This is why we spent about four Sundays dealing with Matthew 24 and 25. It seemed a wise approach to lay out the foundational thought of Jesus on the matter. Last week we touched on the person commonly referred to as the "Anti-Christ." Odds are good we will spend at least another week or two bringing that subject to a completion. These topics are difficult to be sure but neither should we live in confusion on such things.

As previously noted, my summer reading is being dominated by the life of Lincoln. In the worst of times our country was led by the best of men. You would think that those in the North would unite together for the cause of bringing the Union together again. The reality is that jealousy and ambition were often threats to tear even the Union apart. History says that the noblest of causes can be ripped asunder by the pettiness that too often lies in our hearts. It was true both then and now.

The point is that we will sing and on occasion even shout our loyalty to God without close examination of our innermost being. We even declare the ultimate victory belongs to God in Christ without taking notice of our shortcomings. How is it that the evil one will attract such a following in light of God's warnings? The answer is that the heart of humanity is still in need of renewal. Our hymns sing of our marching as soldiers in the cause of Christ. We sing them with great gusto. However we still tend to trip ourselves on the unexplored country of sin that remains in our life.

It is not enough to study the charts, graphs, or outlines of eschatology without letting the truth reveal our need of God. Herein lies the greatness of Lincoln. He grasped how men thought and acted in times of comfort or crisis. He seemed capable of looking in his heart before judging the hearts of others. There was an unwillingness to act harshly without recognizing his frailness as a human being. Let's not be content to have our curiosity cured about matters of the end time. God willing, we can learn some truths that make the present day bearable. Let's also commit to letting God change our heart so we can welcome Him home both now and then.

Bro. Trey

Monday, July 06, 2009

Needless to say, the last few weeks around here were unbearably hot. Most of the grass is burned away with the triple digit temperature. There is still some good grass left in my yard that receives my watering attention. It is an uphill battle but we are holding our own. Thankfully, we got some rain the last two days. Of course, there is no telling when or if we may see another cloud but it was fun while it lasted. This is just summer weather in Texas. Only this year the heatwave began much earlier than normal.

Seems like an unusual amount of death on the news lately. Entertainers, athletes and other notable people left us. We won't add to the amount of writing on how the media covers some passing more than others. You would think sometimes nothing else was happening in our world other than the death of an entertainer who shall remain nameless. This blog can be at least one place where the attention isn't an overkill. Myself and my daughter finally began yelling at the television coverage one day. Normally we are such quiet people!

Also, my reading is still devoted to another biography of Abraham Lincoln. This is the book, Team of Rivals that came out about two years ago. It is a fascinating read even if I only completed about 500 pages so far. As a rule, it seems we do not pay enough attention to the real life stories behind our leading figures. History classes tend to be solely about dates and definitions. We forget the names we memorize were real people that had personality. Yes, I may be a bit of a history geek but I will wear the badge proudly.

Our students went off to camp in Louisiana a week or so ago. They ended up having one of those God moments every person should experience. We are still celebrating their joys of meeting up with God even in Louisiana. If you are lucky those moments will occur in your life in His timing. My view is we can never truly predict the how and when of God showing up in an unusual fashion. We simply make our minds and hearts open to Him to do as He chooses. Maybe you know what those moments are like. My hope is that you do and that you will have yet another God moment sooner rather than later.

Bro. Trey