Vacation Bible School is in the past now for 2006. At first glance, I would say we were successful in terms of meeting kids and parents who are not part of a church anywhere. And to report from last week's blog, I can say we did not lose one child. Those two things make VBS 2006 a success. A huge public thank you is in order for every person who played a role in this year's school. This was a true group effort from the directors down to the helpers in each age group. I deeply appreciate everything that you did in making this an A+ VBS.
Our students are in Dallas this week doing inner city mission work. It was not easy but I did send my daughter off for her first taste of student ministry missions. As of this writing, all is going well with no major problems. Join me in praying that eternal lessons are learned while this group tackles the everyday detail of ministry. They will return on Friday afternoon. We are looking forward to hearing what God does in their life.
One last bit of housekeeping is in order. This Sunday will be "God and Country" day here at FBC Tatum. We will have a special service in the morning followed by "dinner on the ground." This is somewhat of a tradition we observe in our church. We realize many may begin their holiday vacation early. IF you are in town, please be a part of this day. We will not meet in the evening for services.
My prayer is that you will have a super summer this year. I also hope that you will use this time wisely to renew your faith. School will begin again before we know it. Please make time in your summer plans to spend time with our Lord. He is more than willing to share His summer with you.
Bro. Trey