Ever wish that you had tons of money, loads of fame, and a lifetime to enjoy it? Most people go through a stage in life where that scenario is quite appealing. Hopefully, most of those same people grow out of that stage. Since the beginning of time people always wanted more of things in order to feel better about themselves. You can find accounts of men and women in the earliest of Old Testament writings that chose to live by a desire for more. Sometimes we get the idea that greed, lust and other similar temptations are recent discoveries. When you read through the Scriptures, you discover that the heart of man is basically unchanged even if the objects of desire have.
While reading up on the news today it seems we are still troubled in our search for more. There was the account of the starlet who was arrested on a DUI who closed out her weekend passed out from partying. There was an article on a professional athlete who should be enjoying his fame along with his talent but is hurtling down a path of self destruction. A trip to the grocery store is never complete without the attention grabbing headlines of the week's tabloids. With all the money anyone could ever want it seems people still do not have a handle on life. Now it seems that the "stars" of today do not have a complete resume without a trip or two to a trendy rehab center.
When you pause to observe people around you it becomes clear these issues are not for the rich and famous alone. My observation is that it is irrelevant how much a person does or does not have in the bank. More money or fame doesn't solve anything for anyone. In fact, it seems to only complicate life. The news outlets and the tabloids are a reminder that if what you have turns out to have you, then it isn't a matter of how much or little it is. Is it no wonder that God lovingly warns us again and again not about money but about our heart? The book of Proverbs is overflowing with such warnings. Jesus used His most famous sermon to remind His listeners to guard the heart. Whether our bank accounts are small or whether they are comfortably filled, the key to life is the heart. My hope is our heart will always be healthier than our bank statements.
Bro. Trey