Are you scared? Tonight is the night for all things spooky and creepy. Halloween 2007 is here in all its glory (or is it gory?). The holiday really does not bother me. Those who learn about its background know there really is nothing to fear. We don't celebrate the holiday if you can even call it that. To me a holiday is something that is more than being afraid. What bothers me is not a holiday called Halloween but the real evil that exists the other 364 days per year.
We looked at evil during the month of October in our morning services. There was so much to be said about true evil. There was also so much that had to go unmentioned due to the usual lack of time. One of the biggest lessons learned for me is how we narrowly define evil in such a way that we can avoid self examination. Far too many believers see evil as something that someone else does. We tend to limit evil to actions that draw publicity while leaving our attitudes alone. Evil does not lurk only in the spooky but it thrives when it is allowed to be passed by for whatever reason.
We need to come to grips that real evil can occur no matter how safe we feel in life. There is no place we are ever isolated from its reach. No wonder we are urged to remain alert for the schemes of the evil one. What bothers me most is how we engage in evil or at the least semi evil behavior under the guise of being godly. People do some crazy things then say it is all God leading them. We say things to one another that are cruel and hateful. We talk about our spirituality when filled with pride. We allow hurts from the past to remain open wounds that the enemy manipulates to stir up all the pain into our present life. It never ceases to amaze me just how far people will go into themselves at the cost of others around them.
What scares me? It isn't the evil that the enemy may attempt through the spooky and creepy. It is the evil we tend to do to others and our lives by not holding close to God in humility. May God help us truly defeat the evil that is within us so we can stand against the evil around us.
Bro. Trey