
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Captain's Log...VBS date 2207.4

We are drawing to a close of day four of VBS. So far we have only a few minor injuries to report. We hope to avoid doing major surgery on the kids. One young boy needed my old ankle wrapping skills for his hurt foot. It seems only the few scrapes are due to a need to rest more than any real damage.

One thing VBS reminds me is that all injuries are not on the outside. Every year we will have children who are already showing signs of emotional pain. Not every parent is loving and kind to their child. More than a few of our kids are dropped off by grandparents who are becoming parents yet again. There are stories of real emotional injury within every class. If we are honest, we will admit that as adults we are struggling also with hurts that go unhealed.

One of my core ideas is that only God can heal all the hurts of life. Early in His ministry Jesus stood in a worship service to announce that He came to heal the broken. He declared His life would fulfill the words of the prophet Isaiah. To read the gospels is to read of how our Lord restored even the most damaged person. There was no illness so vile that He could not heal it. There was no sin so repulsive that He could not forgive it. There was no circumstance so far gone that He could not reclaim it for the honor of His Father. During VBS there is always to opportunity for God to show up to do it all again. We all need it. Lets be open to it.

Bro. Trey

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Captain's Log...VBS date 2007.3

Wow, we are at the midpoint of our week of Bible school. Time is flying by. We will be wrapping things up before we know it. Once again the girls gave more money than the guys in the offering. It is my observation that little girls can get more money from parents than boys. My thinking is that they know how to bat their eyes much better than boys. We still have new ones showing up today. My goal of 100 kids may not be reached but we keep coming close. Who knows? There are still two days left to get to the goal.

The hard part of today is dealing with fatigue. All the newness of Monday is long gone. That energy can usually get us through Tuesday's session. Today we are going on instinct and faith. It could be more instinct than faith on some occasions! When you are gathered with 80+ kids it is difficult to NOT catch their enthusiasm. Only one smile or laugh from a child will send a shot of endorphines into your system. Something can be said for God granting the motivation to keep going even when weary.

Here is one of those issues of the spiritual life we often miss. How do we keep going when we are ready to give up? Far too many followers of Jesus are casualties not of immorality but of fatigue. This week is a reminder that when we are involved in something larger than our self interests that God provides the energy. He gives power to the weary. He enables us to mount up as with the wings of eagles. He makes these ideas more than theory in times like this. It is a present tense reality for both students and workers. It is a good thing to be a bit weary in well doing. It sure beats being good for nothing...

Bro. Trey

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Captain's Log VBS Date 2007.2

VBS is moving smoothly along on its second day. Our attendance went up 13 today over yesterday. There are 78 boys and girls in classes throughout the building. This is a huge leap over the last few years attendance. We have them in all shapes and sizes here. We also have at least 3 ethnic groups mixed together to have fun and learn. If my numbers are correct, there are 21 in the first and second grade alone! We are genuinely thanking God for these numbers. You never know when you open the doors on day one how many will actually show up. We are truly blessed to be a part of this special week.

Vacation Bible School is one of my favorite weeks of the year. It truly is a laboratory of how church operates. All our workers are volunteer. My salary doesn't get any higher during VBS. Some of these people worked over 40 hours a week the last two weeks to prepare. Some have jobs they will go to when the classes end today. These are living examples of being a "living sacrifice" for God this week. Some are teaching lessons. Some are leading music. Some are guiding the recreation. Some are helpers that travel from class to class with the students. We always have wonderful volunteers who stay busy in the kitchen making snacks for the kids and workers. There is no way possible for me to adequately thank each one for their giving.

Church isn't supposed to be hard. VBS reminds us that it is people just doing their best with what God gives them. Not all of us are singers. Not all of us are teachers. But all of us are something. We are "His workmanship" created for amazing works as God works in us. My heart rejoices when His people are busy about His business. My prayer is the cooperation we see during VBS will continue to develop in our daily life. Thank you to all our workers for an amazing week!

Bro. Trey

Monday, July 09, 2007

Captain's Log...VBS date 2007.1

We are underway with the maiden voyage of our annual Vacation Bible School. Mondays are always chaotic no matter how much we plan. Everyone is feeling their way around during the initial session with the schedules and such. Today we have 65 boys and girls roaming the halls with their leaders as they move from class to class. We already have a larger attendance than we saw the last few years. My personal prayer is that we end up somehow with 100 kids on at least one day.

It goes without saying that we are indebted to a number of adults and students for all the set up for this week. The leaders spent at least 40 hours last week just in decorating the building. Lucky for us that the theme is sports related. In Tatum, there is no lack of sports stuff to set up around the building. We have football stuff, basketball stuff, baseball...track and the list goes on and on. We could not even begin to repay these workers for all their time. Mastercard is not the only thing that is priceless.

Is all of this time and effort worth it? Some would have a different opinion than mine. Perhaps there are even people in our community who might want us to fail. Failure is not an option. When plain old folks begin to do something with God's help the possibilities are endless. Moses is teaching us on Sunday mornings that even those who do not have it all together need only the help of a powerful God. Thank you for all those who are making this a great week. You are appreciated.

Bro. Trey

Monday, July 02, 2007

There really is something to be said about being home. Even the word itself sounds warm and inviting to me. Occasionally someone will ask me where is my home. My answer includes the fact that my home is wherever my house is at the moment. For one thing, my hometown hasn't been home for almost 30 years. The house of my growing years has belonged to others since 1979. Since then my home has been in several states at different times. Twice my home was the house that I was purchasing. Usually my home is a house provided by the church where we work. This house now has been my home for nearly seven years. Though it is not technically mine it will be the one remembered during the years my children grew up.

Home doesn't always carry the same positive feelings for all. It is true that for some it is a word filled with negative emotion. Terrible things happen in far too many houses to far too many people. Even my home growing up wasn't always lined with laughter. Perhaps that is why my intention is to make sure home for my two children is a safe place. Wherever my journey takes me, my hope is they can remember these years and smile.

My heart warms when the thoughts turn to being home now. No doubt my autistic son will have some video game blaring as he works his magic. Almost always there is the sound of my daughter talking on her phone to a friend. Strangely enough, when the noise is gone I miss it. Coffee tastes better when brewed at home. Sleep seems deeper when at home. Even yard work and doing chores seems to be lighter at home. It serves as a barrier to the heat of summer or the cold of winter. One of the things that I get to learn with this lifestyle is a house isn't always a home. Home is where the heart resides.

Followers of Jesus sometimes seem confused on this. We allow our possessions to control us with worry. The biblical teachings tend to get lost in the pressures of life. Jesus told us home is in heaven. He said it is where our treasure is. Paul reminded us to seek things above not just be consumed by things now. Neither of these men seem to have a permanent home during their life. Both were free to give their full attention to God's desires for their life. My hope is that we too can have that freedom. My prayer is we too will know the pleasuures of home while looking to a greater destiny. My heart is that our hearts will always turn to home