
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas 2006 is right on top of us now. It does not look as if we will be getting a white Christmas but we surely have a wet one! I for one am hoping Santa packs a rain suit as he makes his travels tonight. At my house we have no mice. I do know we still have creatures stirring though. This is the first year my autistic son displayed real enthusiasm for the holiday. You could actually see him today wishing the day would go faster. There were many years that he wouldn't even open all his presents. Somehow, I do not see that being a problem this year.

Thank you again to everyone who made Christmas 2006 possible. We were blessed with the creative talents of musicians and more. Our decorations around the church building are terrific as always. So many of you took active roles in reaching out to others in need during the last few weeks. I especially want to thank you for all the cards or gifts that were given. Please know each present like each person is deeply appreciated.

Let me say that I hope each of you get what you truly want for Christmas. I hope you will find gifts that are wrapped in paper as well as given in scripture. Take time during this holiday to read again for yourself the amazing story of the birth of our Lord. Allow yourself to be lost in the timeless tale of God intersecting in human life. If you find yourself thinking that it is all to incredible for words that is when you know it is true. I do wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Bro. Trey

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thirty years ago I went on my first date. It was a double date because one girl couldn't go out without another. Yes, I was part of a plot by another guy for him to have a date. Anyway, that night we went to see the first Rocky movie. I was speechless when the movie ended. That is a good thing since I am not the greatest conversationalist. Those of us who went to see that movie in the theater can remember all the emotions we felt. Not everyone understood the fascination with the Rocky character. Those of us who did stayed with him through countless sequels.

Tonight I went alone to see the final Rocky sequel. It is the movie that needed to be made to wrap up the story of the character. I highly recommend this movie for anyone who shared this thirty year journey with me. It has many of the tried and true moments of any Rocky movie to be sure. If you can watch the last 45 minutes without feeling that familiar rush of adrenaline then I might just refund your money. Just remember the key word is might!

Sylvester Stallone spoke recently of his renewed faith in Jesus. He incorporates that into his story on several levels. Some of those moments are humorous. Many of these elements are profound and understated. Redemption is a powerful theme. Those of us who profess that redemption in Jesus can learn something from an old boxer. Rocky knows it is a gift that is meant to be shared with others. I hope during this Christmas season we will give away this gift that our God gave to us.

Bro. Trey

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I want to say a huge thank you for everyone who helped us get through the past week. You went above and beyond the call of duty even with broken hearts. There is no doubt the last few days drained many of us in everyway. Once again, many of you stepped up to reach out in ministry to those who are grieving. Thank you for being you.

There is a gentle reminder I need to say. Yes, our Tatum Eagles play for another state title this Saturday night in Aledo. Yes, I will be there doing my job in the pressbox. But I will also be here on Sunday morning for the Christmas music. We can do both this weekend.

Like I said last Sunday our Lord is #1. Win or lose on Saturday the answer will be the same. Christmas says Jesus is #1. I hope and pray we never lose sight of that.

Bro. Trey

Monday, December 04, 2006

How about a big thank you for everyone who made yesterday possible? The children's choir music was just as good as I expected it. You never know when the kids get up to sing just what may happen. This year was no exception. One shepherd did the robot dance during the songs. An angel or two wanted their mommy! Yet they were all cute and adorable as always. The directors did a terrific job pulling it all together with the costumes. I know many hours went into setting up the platform. Someone described directing childrens choir as the act of trying to herd cats! Congratulations to everyone involved for their efforts. I am truly proud of how everything turned out.

We have a few weeks left until Christmas. Please keep up with the calendar for announcements on the other activities. The adult choir presents their music on December 17. We also have special services that evening along with the open house. I know that our Tatum Eagles are two games away from another state championship. No doubt I will be at the games should we continue winning. This Saturday night our game is in Waco. Please do not forget that as much as we all pull for our team that on Sunday we are still celebrating the whole reason not just for Christmas but for all of life. How tragic if we ended up like the innkeepers and miss the miracle of Jesus.

Bro. Trey