This is just a quick update on this blog. The basic purpose of this site is to relay to anyone who reads what is going on in my world. Most who come here have some relationship to me or to my congregation. It is not my desire to be controversial. However the very nature of church life is often marked by controversy. No two people agree totally on much if anything theological or personal. This is not right or wrong but just human nature even within the sphere of the Spirit.
It is possible that future posts may be more direct in scope. That is why I just attempted to reset some of the tools of the blog. I put my name on each post that I write. Whether you agree or disagree with the material is up to you. There is no place for anonymous posts here as this is solely my reflection at any given moment. From now on anyone who comments has to be honest and upfront. Anonymous comments are a bit like some of the anonymous letters church leaders receive on occasion. No opportunity is given for dialogue when something is signed by Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous. I put my name up on posts when I go to other blog sites. You will have to do that now on this one.
My goal is not to eliminate comments. My goal is to bring about the same level of accountability in the comment section as there is in the original post. It is possible that my lack of technological knowledge may make this a bumpy transition. I think I got the settings right but who knows? We just will not know until someone tries to comment here. By the way, thank you to those who do show enough integrity to put your name on your words. I always look forward to my "friend" who has his own Spanish blog. I tried reading his blog once. Maybe after my daughter takes Spanish next semester we can translate it together. Well, keep those cards and letters coming! Just know that integrity and accountability will be part of our journey together.
Bro. Trey