Have you ever taken a long look at a possum? They are far from the most attractive of God's creatures. My garage tends to be a place that is appealing to these animals. I could not begin to tell you why it is that way. All that I can tell you is one evening a possum came very close up to me while I was sitting in the garage for some reason. We looked almost eye to eye for a few moments. Maybe it thought its appearance would frighten me into going back inside. Let me repeat my opening statement in very poor English. Them be some ugly critters for sure. It finally waddled away into the night after losing the staring contest. Just the memory of that encounter still causes me to shudder.
There are lots of things that God both did and still does that are beyond my understanding. Possums are just one example of questions that cross my mind to ask Him some day. We tend to look at events in life from a perspective that is far from complete. Our ability to grasp more serious divine mysteries is very limited to our experience as well as our point of view. Believers are not immune from asking the deep questions. It may very well be that it is our faith which causes us to search for answers when things go amiss. Our theology says that God causes things to work together for His good so we begin to probe into the darkness that often pervades our world. It is then we realize that asking is much easier than handling answers. Some well meaning believers often tell me that they know we should not ask God why things happen as they do. I cannot totally agree with that approach for myself. God is big enough to handle our questions. It is our ability to process His response that often is our weakness.
Our problems usually run far deeper than the physical attributes of the possum species. What we sometimes fail to realize is just how damaged our world is by sin. This is not to say that every difficulty we face is caused by our sin issues. I think that pointing every finger at sin often hinders us from going deeper in our quest for faith. You may say that God will allow trials or tragedies. You may come from the perspective that God may even cause our troubles even through His grace. I can live with either of those ideas. But you can also be sure that our loving God invites us to move past the superficial cliches so we draw closer to Him. I cannot tell you why cancer became a real issue for me last summer. I also could not begin to explain the diverse tragedies that happen on a daily basis. What I do know is that a possum is as much a creature of divine origin as any other of God's more attractive creations. It does have a purpose even if that purpose escapes me. Life is raw and often seems unfair. There are no simple or glib answers for most of its darkness. We can day by day continue to cast our care on Him so we fully realize His purpose. Believers are always welcome to ask why do bad things happen to good people. But we also must ask the follow up question of what do good people do with God in light of the bad.
Bro. Trey